A Hawk's Mission Clint Barton X Underweight!Reader

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Requested by Lunagamergirl Thank you! Gomen for not seeing this earlier! Underweight reader, do not read if your are not comfortable with this type of situation. There will be some more emotional stuff in here, so read at your own risk. Sorry its kinda short! I don't have much time on my hands lately and I am finding it harder to wright now that school that started.


"(Y/N)? You gonna go out with us tonight?" Tony asked as he and the other Avengers headed for the door at the Stark Tower.

"Huh? Oh no, not hungry?" That was your usual excuse. Not hungry, not feeling well, tired, or you had plans. You just didn't want to eat. You didn't feel good about yourself, your self esteem very low. You were an overweight girl in high school, but now the tables have turned. But one man with the vision of a hawk noticed this.

"You know, I'm gonna give (Y/N) some company today." Clint said, which surprised everyone, even you.

"Ok Clint, miss out on all the fun. Lets go." Tony said as everybody followed him.

You sat on the fluffy, white, and expensive couch in the 'living room' of the tower. You read your favorite book there everyday at this time to avoid the contact of the others.

"Hey (Y/N), why don't you go to the bar with us?" Clint asked, sitting next to you.

"I don't wanna, the food here is fine."

"But it could be fun, yeah know. Just try it."

"I told you, I'm fine with the food here." You were beginning to get annoyed by his pestering.

"Not that you eat much anyway as it is."

"I don't.. uhh. have a big appetite." You mentally highfived yourself for that answer.

"Yeah you do, last Christmas you ate more than Bruce did, now that's something." Clint said matter of factly.

You huffed, he usually never this persistent. "I'm gonna take a shower." You left Clint to sit alone and ponder why you had began acting so weird.

~Time Skip brought to you by ME! YAS~

The hot beads of water ran down your bony back at you washed your hair, your hair that was beginning to thin and lose is color an bounce. Your fragile skin had a very eerie paling to it and was almost sickening. Your nail and hair stopped growing like they used to, and your bones could not support you as they used to when you exercised. Maybe gaining some weight wouldn't hurt, but not too much. That would mean more looks, glares, and snide comments from others. You couldn't stand that, no, you will not take that torture anymore.

"Maybe I should tell Clint the truth. I don't think he would tell anyone." You thought, stepping out of the shower and drying off your unhealthy, skinny self.

You lathered a think lotion all over your body, your thighs that you worked so hard to get that thigh gap had gained more to them. You frowned, you thought you had achieved perfection when you made that gap happen. Ah well, you cant work out anymore, your trainer said to gain some weight to go back to the gym.

"Yeah, I think I should tell him. Maybe he can help me." You cheered. Its not that you really wanted to become that word, anorexic, but it just kinda.. happened. But you wanted to be skinny, but you overdid it.

Grabbing a pair of track short and a fitted tshirt and changed and headed back to the living room. Clint sat on the couched, arms crossed, almost waiting expectantly for you.

"hey Clint." You greeted and sat down next to the master archer.

"(Y/N), is that supposed to be a fitted shirt and track shirts?" Clint questioned, raising a brow.

"What do you mean supposed?" You asked and crossed your arms.

"Its supposed to fit your body like a glove! I can barley see that you have any form under there! Not to mention your shorts aren't meant to be that loose." He commented, eyeing you over.

You gaped in awe, maybe you shouldn't tell him? No, (Y/N), you should! He can help! No! Yes!

"You wanna know why?" You stood up and raised your arms. "I was fat in high school, I wanted to be skinny. Now this is what I am, too skinny. But I feel fine, I hate that word, anorexic. I'm not! I just want to be perfect!" You yelled and stomped your foot.

Clint just looked at you with a pained expression, stood up and hugged you. "(Y/N), when I met you, you were already perfect. Please, let me help you." He whispered in your ear, his hands rubbing up and down your back.

You broke, tears came rushing out. Your arms made their way around Clint's fit body and hugged him tight. He would help you, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. But you still couldn't control your emotions, nor the feelings you had for Clint. It was almost unbearable, the one you liked was gonna help you with you weight. As much as you were excited, you were as nervous as hell.

"Ok-okay." You choked out.

"Good, how about this. What do you weigh now?" He asked, pulling back, but still holding onto your hand.

"110 lbs. (Estimation, I don't really know what it might me)" He took a sharp breath and looked at you.

"(Y/N), I'll get you back, I'll make you happy again. I promise." He said.

You never cried harder that night.

~Time Skip brought to you by Dean's Impala!~

Over the next few months, Clint got you back to a healthy weight, while still showing you what to eat and not. He also became your personal trainer, if that's what you want to call it. He didn't only help you gain weight, but helped you stay in shape with that weight and not get to terribly skinny again.

You and Clint just got done working out in the gym. Your hair was fuller and in better color than it ever had. Your nails had to be done twice in one month because you weren't used to the growth. Your skin now what tinged a soft tan color and your cheeks pink. And because you worked in such a close proximity with Clint, you had an even larger crush on the Hawkeye. And he did to you as well.

"That was hard! I don't wanna do it gain!" You complained as you sipped from your water bottle. You whipped the sweat from your brow.

"Yeah well your gonna have to to stay in shape." Clint replied and smiled t you. He loved the way you had blossomed over the last few months with him. He loved you.

"True, true. But thanks for helping me Clint it means a lot, like you could never understand how much I thank my lucky star everyday." You smiled back and looked up at the sky.

"Of course, if it means working and helping the one I love, I'll don anything."

You whipped your head to stare at Clint. No freaking way. Did he? He did. That sneaky bastard. Making you blush all of a sudden, well now or never to confess to him as well.

"You know, having the one I love help me is great too." You grinned when you saw Clint's eyes sparkle in happiness.

"Well then, how about this?" Clint leaned forward and kissed you roughly on the lips. It was one damn fine kiss, this was your first kiss in ages. And now look, kissing an Avenger on the Stark Tower balcony. How cheesy, yet perfect.

"I love you Clint."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

Author's Note

Whoo! Clint oneshot! Requests open, almost to 100 followers! You guys are the best! I love you! Makenna out!

Instagram~ makenna_stark

^^^^ for contact purposes

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