Truth Or Dare, Anyone? Avengers X Reader

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Requested by XExpendableX. Thank you!

It was your birthday today. Tony had asked you if you wanted a huge party, because well it's Tony, he goes all out for these things. But instead you wanted a small party just with all the Avengers.

"But (Y/N)! Its your birthday!" Tony whined.

"No Tony, I hate all the attention. Just get everybody here." You grumbled, annoyed.

"JARVIS! Call the rest of the Avengers." Tony yelled to his personal assistant.

"Right away sir."

In 20 minutes the rest of the superheroes arrived, including Loki. They sat in the lounge area, while Tony still had to inform them why they were all here.

"So, its (Y/N)'s birthday today. And she requested a small party with just us. Lame right? Anyway I have cake, food, and liquor already out." Tony told everyone, a glass of alcohol in his hand.

"So that's it? I mean you called us for an important meeting Tony." Steve glared at Tony.

"Oh c'mon guys! I knew you weren't doing anything, so why not come over? Besides, we cant not have a party for her birthday." Tony fought back, looking at everyone.

"Why not? I could use the time off." Bruce got up and poured himself a glass of scotch, standing next to Tony.

"Alright, lets get this rolling." Clint said, still eyeing Tony.

"Yes!" The billionaire shout out.

Everybody ate, congratulated you, and had plenty of alcohol. Tony even had JARVIS turn half of the lounge into a dance floor.  So naturally Loki just sat on the couch staring at nothing at all. Clint tried to dance with Nat, but ended failing for the spider was too quick for the hawk. Around 11:30 they gathered around a round table, laughing and drinking.

"Guys, I've got an idea. I heard of this thing called truth or dare. What is it?" Steve asked, holding a beer.

"I have never heard of that. How do you play?" Thor questioned with Loki sitting next to him.

"Well, you ask a person truth or dare. Say they pick truth, you have to ask them a question and they have to answer it truthfully without lying." Nat explained.

"But if you say dare, you have to give that person a dare and they have to do it." Clint chimed in.

"Oh ok, wanna play?" Steve asked, grinning.

"It's up to the birthday girl." Tony asked, while everyone looked at you. You weren't a big fan of the game but you decided if they wanted to, you would.

"Sure, why not?" You put on a smile.

"Okay, hmmmmm.... Bruce!" Tony shouted out, pointing at the science bro. "You go first, pick someone."

"Oh, really? Me? Okay. Clint, truth or dare?" Bruce looked at the master archer.

"Truth?" Clint looked absolutely embarrassed.

"Do you have romantic feelings for Natasha?" Bruce questioned. Everyone ohed at Clint.

"Uh... ermm...." Clint's face was beet red, he squeezed his eyes shut and whispered, "Yes." (Sorry for all you Romanogers shippers out there.)

"OHHHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT!" Tony yelled and stood up, pointed at Clint. Nat was trying to hide her face in her hair.

"Moving on, Clint now you pick someone." Tony sat back down.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Clint looked at you, his face turning back to his skin color.

"Dare." You said without hesitation.

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