Hide And Seek Avengers X Reader

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It was a boring day in the Stark Tower, nobody felt like doing anything. Tony and Bruce were doing sciency stuff, Nat and Clint discussing S.H.I.E.L.D missions, Steve was wandering around the tower talking to JARVIS, and Thor was making Loki eat poptarts. Nobody would pay much attention to you, but you had an idea. You sat in your room, thinking of a way to get the superheroes to all get in one place.

"Hey JARVIS." You spoke to the right hand man of Tony, besides Pepper of course.

"Yes Miss (Y/L/N), what can I do for you?" The voice rang through your room.

"Get everybody to the balcony, say it was because I have an emergency. Thanks JARVIS!" You smirked and ran off to the balcony.

"Any thing for you, Miss (Y/L/N)." JARVIS left to inform the Avengers about your 'emergency'.

Five minutes later everyone showed up, some more or less excited to be interrupted from their work.

"Alright everyone, since you all are being boring and aren't paying much attention to me we have something to discuss." You walked back and forth in front of them, waving your arms around in exaggeration, "We are going to play hide and seek. I don't any excuses on why you cant because you are going to play."

"But-" Clint started before you shut him down.

"Nope. And since you broke the rules, your it." You pointed at Clint. Everyone burst out laughing while he just stood there with an unamused look plastered on his face.

"Start counting there Hawky." Tony patted him on the shoulder.

"(Y/N), you must let me be with Loki for he may do... things." Thor stated. You thought about it and nodded your head yes.

"No funny business, got that Loki? Otherwise I'll make Thor beat the living crap out of you, got it?" You told Loki, he just stared at you, "Alright, start counting to fifty Clint!" Everyone took their positions. You hid in your closet on the top shelf. You covered yourself in clothes for a disguise.

"50! Here I come!" Clint shouted. You knew that Tony was probably in his workshop and Bruce not far behind. You waited for about 10 minutes before you heard your door open and three bodies move around your room.

"I don't think (Y/N) is here." You heard a voice say, it was Bruce.

"No, I bet (Y/N) is, just look harder." You heard another voice say, it was Tony.

Clint swung open your closet doors and started shifting through the mess of clothes at the bottom. Mot finding anything, he went to the top shelf of your closet. He poked your side and you let out a squeak.

"I found (Y/N)!" Clint shouted. He threw the rest of the clothes off of you. Tony and Bruce came over, smirking because they found you.

"How the hell did you get up there?" Tony asked.

"I jumped, then I climbed." You said after you came down from the shelf.

"Well that's three, got any idea where the other four are?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, I think I know where Thor and Loki are. And by the way, you two suck and hide and seek. I bet it took a minute to find you guys." You pointed to the science bros and ran off.

"Oh come on! It was a minute and a half!" Tony said running after you with Clint and Bruce trailing behind.

You found Thor and Loki in the kitchen, arguing over where to hide. Big surprise. Steve was in the training room, hiding underneath the wrestling mats. But no one could find Nat. You split up in groups and looked on every level of the Stark Tower. Nothing. You went out on the balcony to regroup. Everyone talking about their ideas on where she might be. You were telling Steve that she might be hiding on the rafters when you felt something land on your head. It was a chunk of bread. You looked up to see the fiery haired assassin sitting on the roof eating a sandwich.

"Guys! I found her." You pointed up to Nat. Everyone sighed, knowing that she might do something extreme.

"Nat! Get down! You have won! Clint yelled up at her. Nat looked down, nodded and started climbing down. She finished off her sandwich and looked at Tony.

"My guess your it because you suck at these kinds of things." She grinned at Tony who was fuming.

"Yeah, yeah I'm it. Now go hide!" Tony yelled, turning around and counting to 50.

The rest of the day was spent playing hide and seek, Tony being it most of the times. Thor and Loki still couldn't make up their minds on where to hide. That day had to be one of the funnest, yet most childish day the Avengers have ever had.

Author's Note

I really hope you enjoyed the first Avengers Oneshot/Imagine! I will always except requests! Thanks for reading!

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