Old Love, Fresh Wounds Steve/Bucky X Reader

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Requested by Nicky66 Thank you! Flash backs are italicized.



"Steve? Steve what is the matter?" You asked, your boyfriend was pacing around your shared apartment.

For the last few weeks, Steve had changed. He had begun distancing himself from you, he would hardly come home, spoke only when necessary, and he started sleeping on the couch. You were worried, like any good girlfriend would be, but Steve was never this cold to you. He would never shut you out like this, and it pained you that he would do that.

"(Y/N), there is something that I have to get off my chest." Steve finally faced you, his emotions stone cold.

"What is it?" You voiced was quiet.

"I have to leave." He said.

"Leave, as on a mission, is this what this entire shitpile thing is about?" You asked, the anger you have kept at bay for so long, showing itself.

"No, I have to leave you. I... I have to break up with you." Steve's voice was cracked, his eyes were becoming red and swollen. "My job is too dangerous I can't-"

"Hell with your job! We have been together for a few years, nothing has happened to me! I will be just fine, if Fury told you that you have to split from me, I swe-" Tears uncontrollably streamed down your face, you were blubbering and your voice was hitched.

"It isn't Fury who is having me break up with you. I am making my own decision." Steve admitted, he was too ashamed to even look you in the eye.

"S-Steve, what? You are really doing this?" You asked, looking at Steve, who still wouldn't face you. "Look at me dammit, right now!"

Steve turned to face you, his eyes bloodshot, breathing ragged. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, I have to keep you safe, and this is my only way. I will still love you, I will miss you, I just ha-"

"Enough! Just get out of my apartment, I can't stand to look at you anymore." You screamed, pointing at the door.

Steve was going to say something, but he just walked to the door, gave you one last look, and left. Not only from your apartment, but from your life.

It had been a few years since that fateful night, you slowly collected your broken heart pieces and put them back together with glue and tape. But in no way was your heart fixed. Though, you had gotten your head straight again and you had begun to get happier and forget about Steve.

But as Steve left, someone called Bucky had entered your life. He was out going and very talkative, and not hesitate to flirt with you. You had gotten closer and closer, he was slowly replacing the old memories you held onto of Steve. Bucky knew about how you and his best friend had dated, how much Steve talked about you. He was scared to get closer to you, afraid that a girl would come in  between him and Steve, fueling the fire of rivalry.

But Bucky had immense feelings for you. If Steve got mad at him for taking you, well then he could face the consequences of leaving you in the first place. Steve left you, so he could not blame Bucky or you for any of the aftermath of your break up.

"Bucky, hey! You came over a little earlier than I expected." You had invited Bucky for a night out on the town, just something to distract both of your minds for a while. Besides, Bucky's style of clothing was interesting, lets just say. Though he didn't look to bad today, wearing a simple black tee, jeans, and work boots.

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