You Are Loved Loki X Chubby!Insecure!Reader

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Requested by 2000PieGirl. Thank you!

Warning! If you don't feel comfortable with reading this oneshot, which is about the reader being overweight and insecure about it. Hence the title, please turn back now! I don't want to make my readers feel bad about themselves, but you are all beautiful butterflies! And you are Awesome! Don't ever forget that, Okay? 


"Good morning Tony." You yawned and walked into the Stark Tower kitchen. You noticed Thor and Loki sitting at the table.

You and Tony where business partners for quite some time. You grew up at the same high school together and have been friends ever since. But when your house flooded and you needed some were to stay, Pepper convinced Tony that you could stay ant the Stark Tower until your house got back to normal. You where really excited because the Avengers all had rooms here, so you would see them occasionally.

"Hey (Y/N)." Tony nodded and grabbed his coffee. 

"Oh goody, the hippopotamus has joined us for breakfast." Loki sneered and looked at you. 

You were overweight, and you had been working with a personnel trainer to get rid of the extra body fat that you hated so much. You were very insecure of your looks, so you tried to hide inside most of the time. Luckily your boyfriend of 2 years still loved you. But the endless insults from Loki hurt like a bitch. You would brush it off and give him a smart remark, but on the inside it really make you feel even worse.

"At least I don't have to be constantly looked after by my brother. Must suck being watched 24/7, huh Loki?" You shot back, pouring a cup of coffee. Loki just glared at you and went back to looking out the window.

"Anyway, I have to go and work downstairs with Bruce. Science." Tony left, not wanting to be apart of the constant fighting.

You and Loki never really got long, but it was getting better. You would try to be nicer to him and not give him sassy remarks, which showed Loki that you wanted to change. The teasing was less and less everyday. Over the next few days, Loki stopped tormenting you and would actually talk to you. Soon Loki and you where pretty much attached at the hip. You two went everywhere together. you had developed feelings for the Asgardian/ Frost Giant Prince, but you didn't know if he would return them, besides you had a boyfriend. 

"Hello, (Y/N)." Loki greeted you before you went into your room.

"Hey Loki, I have a date with Derek (Your 'boyfriend') and I need to get ready, he will be here soon. Sorry I cant talk right now." You looked at him with sad eyes.

"Be safe, okay?" Loki told you, as he grabbed your hand.

"Of course." You smiled, and turned away before he could see your blush.

Your date with Derek was at the park that you two had first met, plus it was your 2 year anniversary today. You felt like the park would be a good anniversary date. You got ready and waited for Derek to pick you up at 1:30. When he came, he looked like he didn't want to be here, but you brushed it off as nerves.

"Hey Derek, how are you?" You asked cheerily, walking around on the park trails.

"I'm fine, (Y/N). Here come sit, I need to tell you something." He made you sit on th park bench.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" You asked concerned.

"Uhh, I'm just gonna give it to you straight. I'm breaking up with you. I feel like our relationship really hasn't gone anywhere, and I may have been cheating on you for about 6 months." He cringed at the last part.

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