Teach Me How To Shoot Clint Barton X Reader

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"Clint, teach me how to shoot a bow." You asked. The archery master looked at you quizzically.


"I'm bored and it look kinda fun." You shrugged.

"Mmm, I don't know. The art of the bow and arrow is a very tricky one." He teased, placing his hand on his chin. "It will take a decade before you will even be able to fire one properly."

"Clint, I don't suck that bad! I used to take lessons back in middle school." You whined.

"How long ago was that? 15 years or so?" He grinned when you stomped your foot.

"Oh come on! Please?" You pouted.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. But there is no way in hell I will let you use my bow. Your gonna break the only thing more expensive than me." He said.

"Shut up. Just grab an extra one and let's go." You hustled him into his room at the hellicarrier, attempting to wait patiently while he found an extra.

"Got one," He came out holding up a very obviously worn bow and a quiver of arrows.

"Is that one even going to work?" You asked, pointing at the S.H.E.I.L.D made weapon.

"Yeah, just got a lot of love, no biggie. Here," He grabbed the quiver slung round his shoulder and showed you the contents. "None of these are explosive, grappling hooks, or otherwise. Just plain and simple arrows. I can't trust you in the shooting range when your just a newbie with explosive arrows."

"No, no you cannot." You confirmed, nodding your head.

"Alright follow me." He started walking to the left.

"Okay!" You hummed.


"Whoaaaa." You looked around the shooting range, it was a very wide open space with tons of different target to shoot at plastered around the walls, on the ceiling.

"Yeah, not many people come here, but Fury made sure I had some sort of entertainment when I wasn't on missions." Clint rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, all to yourself, that's pretty neat. So when you miss, only you know."

"I never miss." Clint pointed out, crossing his arms.

"Sure, sure, just saying that to make yourself look cooler."

"I've been trained not to miss since the day I held my first bow, so no I never miss." He replied stubbornly.

"We'll see about that..' You murmured. "Anyway, show me how to shoot."

"Okay, so are you left or right hand dominate? And which eye is your dominant eye?" He asked.

"(Dominate hand) and (Dominate eye)"

(Tbh, I don't remember all that much about shooting a bow, so just bare with me.)

"Okay, so you will hold it in this hand..." He said, placing the bow in the non dominate hand. "You will pull back with your stronger arm so you get more power, and your dominate eye is usually on that side."

"Alright." You said holding the surprisingly light bow in your hand. "Why is it not heavy?"

"Easy transportation, and just less strain on my muscles when I have to shoot a lot." Clint explained.

"Gotcha, so what's next?"

"Next you need to knock the arrow."

Clint showed you how to adjust the draw of the bow so it wasn't so hard for you to pull back. He explained how to properly knock an arrow and which feather should be pointing up, and how to release and your stance when you shoot. All these things you had to think about, how the hell were you supposed to concentrate on aiming?

You fired off the first five rounds, the highest point scored was a 3, where some didn't even make it on the target.

"I don't ever remember it being this hard." You told Clint.

"Did you have those colorful bows?" He asked, picking up 2 of the arrows that didn't hit the target.

"Yeah, why?"

"Those are basically designed for schools and are just beginner bows, so it wasn't as difficult to shoot. Where that old on is much more complicated and can handle much more ware and tear."

"Huh, gotcha."

"let's try this again." He said handing you the arrows.

"Yeah.." You sheepishly scratched the back of your head.

"Don't worry about it, I couldn't even beat you in in go fish the other day." Clint smiled.

"Because you were going easy on me!" You pouted.

"No, what are you ever talking about?" He grinned. "Try it again."

"Yeah, yeah."

For the next three hours, you spent practicing with Clint on the art of archery. Your arms were incredibly worn out, your accuracy your shot dropping exponentially each time you let an arrow fly. Though Clint kept pushing you, but you were okay with it. It was the most physical exercise you had in while. Clint had shown off as well, just demonstrating how amazing at archery, hitting every target perfectly. At one point you got frustrated by his skills that you had thrown a target right before he fired off an arrow. He, yet again, it the moving target on the bullseye, thanking you got the moving target.

"Clint, I'm pooped, can I be done for now?" You whined, dropping your sore arms at your sides.

"Yeah that's fine. You did good today, (Y/N), I'm proud of you." He patted your head in approvement.

 "Yeah, the highest I scored was a 7 though." You puffed out your cheeks.

"Don't worry, not everyone is a natural."

"But you were!"

"Well, except me of course." He grinned.


Author's Note

Sup mah mains.

I have a Rant Book and stuff now, if you want to check that out because why not listen to be bitch about life problems right?


Idk what else to say.

I want to licke ur face

Until next oneshot,


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