The Daughter of Odin Thor/Loki X Reader

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Requested by _marvelmaniac_ Thank you! You are Thor and Loki's little sister.  And Loki doesnt know about his Ice Giant, or Jötun family yet, and he wont figure it out in this oneshot either.


(Y/N) Odinson, they youngest offspring of Odin and Frigga before. Sister to Thor and Loki, and inherited Thor's powerfulness and strength, while she got Loki's cleverness and sassy side. But she was very, very adventurous. When she was just a little girl, she killed a Bilgesnipe all by herself. Frigga was pissed, saying her daughter should act some what like a lady. Odin, Thor, and Loki just congratulated her on her first kill. It was a peaceful life, until that night.

"Mother! father! Let me go with Thor and Loki!" You demanded. You stood in the throne room, pleading your parent to let you go with your brothers to Jötuniem.

"(Y/N), we said no. You are too young and aren't as capable as Thor or Loki to defend yourself." Frigga reasoned.

"Well not in this rag!" You hit your gold and silver dress that your mother had made. You crossed your arms. "Let me change! and I'll show you that I can go! Go get one of the guards and have them fight me! They wont be a mere chal-"

"No." Odin's voice boomed throughout the throne room. You stood in shock, he never got this angry with you. "(Y/N), that's enough, go to your room." He commanded.

You stormed off and went inside your room and pouted. You layed on your bed and thought. An idea popped into your mind and you immediately got changed into the warriors uniform Thor got you for your 16th birthday. Maybe you could go...

~Time Skip brought to you by Yukio's glasses! Like seriously dude, how many do you need?~

"Are you almost ready Thor?" Loki waited impatiently for his older brother to finishing cleaning off Mjolnir. He and Thor were at the stables preparing their horses for the small journey to the BiFrost

"Now I am." He said, picking up his hammer and tossing it in the air. "I feel like something isn't right, brother do you feel it?" Thor asked, looking around the stables.

"Hmm maybe, but I wouldn't worry. Lets go before (Y/N) can catch up. You over heard the conversation will father, no matter how much she begs we must refuse." Loki stated matter of factly and hopped up on his black steed.

"Right, come on. We have some Jötuns to find." Thor mounted his caramel (I think?) colored horse and the two brothers rode off to go see Heimdall.

Little did they know, you weren't actually with them, you used the magic Loki showed you to make it feel like your presence was near by. You were actually hiding in the BiFrost, and you made Heimdall swear the he wasn't gonna tell them. You planned to sneak in the portal with them and surprise your older brothers. Perfect, right? Or so you thought.

~Time Skip brought to you by Castiel's blue eyes! mmmmmm~

You giggled quietly to yourself, using the concealing magic that Loki also showed you, you couldn't be detected. Even if he felt magic some where, he still couldn't pinpoint it. You had your hand crafted bow you and the most skilled archer in all of Asgard made together, a sheath of unbreakable and never running out arrows, and your daggers in vest pocket. You stood right next to the portal entrance, so you couldn't hesitate going in.

"Heimdall, open the Jötunheim portal." Thor demanded as he and Loki rode on the rainbow bridge.

"Very well, but you know the rules." Heimdall nodded and put his sword in the dial. He turned it to the left and the door opened. This was it, no turning back now.

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