Moving On Bucky Barnes X Reader

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Requested by Nicky66, if that is still your username, thank you! Kinda X Steve Rogers too but mostly Bucky and him being him. Steve is kinda a douchebag? Like not heavily or anything, but kinda more asshole than usual, though he isn't an asshole at all.

Made something up for the sake of Bucky. Obviously not in the MCU, but easily could be considering it's freaking Marvel we are talking about. Bucky isn't crazy and he remember shit too. but he still has his metal limbs.


"(Y/N) I can't stay around not like this, not with you in danger and you always having to worry if I will make it home. I can't put you through that." Steve's hand gripped his leather bag, feet inching towards the doorway.

"Steve think about this, Fury has me protected, this apartment is the safest around. If anything, I know I have you." You pleaded with the super soldier, hands tightening around his shoulders.

"I may not always be there, and even if I am, it is because of me. If something happens to you, whether its ransom or whatever, its to get at me. This will hurt the both of us, but it's better for your safety and so I won't get distracted on missions."  Steve couldn't look at you, his blue eyes focused on your rigid form, your fingers digging into his skin.

"I don't care about your missions or my safety, our happiness is more important." You refused to let the tears fall, it would only make Steve feel worse.

"Well I do, and (Y/N) you have no idea how desperately I want to stay with you. But me as a person, who I am and what I do, puts you at risk. I would never be able to live with myself, so please, let me do this." Steve's hand turned the nob, he wanted you to force him into your shared bed, make him drop his bags, show him that he was able to keep you safe and protected. But that was all a dream once he ripped open the door without another word, but closing it gently and never looking back.

"Gah!" You woke up from yet another nightmare, your mind forcing you to relive one of the worst nights of your life.

It had been seven months since Steve left, and you had never caught a glimpse of him yet. You didn't work for S.H.I.E.L.D, you had a regular job, a normal yet boring life before Steve. He came into your life literally like a storm, crashing through your window and into you in his Cap Cannonball form. And it was all history from there. He never brought you to S.H.I.E.L.D, but he did introduce you to his best friend, Bucky Barnes.

Bucky was goofy and acted kind of like a adolescent golden retriever, but was easily mellowed out and was able to be a mature adult. He was not as up tight as Steve, definitely joked and teased more, and with his very approachable atmosphere, you relaxed around him and became close. He often invited himself over, even if Steve wasn't there, but you never did mind. Your normal life got boring. And having an attractive guy with sick a metal appendage who was skilled in kicking ass, you happily invited him in. But Bucky knew to keep his distance from you, you may be a good looking woman but he would never hurt you or his best friend trying to go for you. Whether it was letting you and Steve sit together on the love couch or knowing when you and Steve just needed a day, Bucky always was attentive of the both of yours' schedules and lives so he wouldn't barge in and see something he shouldn't have.

You yawned, your cheeks crusty from dry skin and tears. Tears. Something that seemed too common nowadays. You reached for your phone, it was 4:37, your notifications were blank, typical. You groaned, knowing that going back to your mind when you slept was not the best idea. You knew that more of those would lead to an even worse day, having a buttload of errands to run and not enough daylight to finish them all, might as well get a head start, so you slid out of bed.

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