Two Best Friends, Not Enough Love Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes

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Bucky is going to be not Bucky, but The Winter Soldier. But don't worry, he's nice and remembers everything. Kind of like at the beginning of the first movie, that's his personality.



Ever since Bucky, The Winter Soldier, remembered his past and Steve, started working for S.H.I.E.L.D., things have been very different. You just called him Bucky, like Steve, not liking the way The Winter Soldier sounded for such a sweet guy. Or according to Steve he was. But there was a problem, You and Steve kinda sorta had a thing together before Bucky came along. Nothing really serious, but not exactly just a friendship either. But when Bucky saw you, his perspective on life changed, or that's what he said. So you had two dangerous, hot, and powerful men fawning over you where ever you went.

You wandered the corridor of the ginormous hellicarrier, you had the job of making sure that everything in the science labs where going okay and to report anything that might be dangerous. All of the labs where of the second to lowest floor on the hellicarrier, as well as Steve and Bucky's temporary rooms. You aslways tried to avoid those as much as possible, not wanting to see two very pissed off best friends fight over you.

"Hello (Y/N)!" The gentle voice of Dr.Banner rang through one of the science labs.

You stopped and smiled, walking into the lab. "Hello Dr.Banner, is everything going alright?" You asked.

"As expected, but something has recently came up..." Bruce bantered on about something to do with radiation. You just nodded and pretended you understood everything he was talking about. "(Y/N), hello? You there?"

"Ah sorry, I was just spacing out." You said, turning back to face him.

"You know, you are going to have to do something about those soldiers right." Bruce whispered.

You froze, maybe more than just a few people knew about your little love triangle. You nodded your head slowly. "I know, I know. But what? Tell me what do I do?" You pleaded.

"Well, if I were in your position think about which one you li-" Bruce cut off instantly at the sound of heavy footsteps entering the lab.

"(Y/N), what a pleasure to meet you here." Bucky greeted formally, walking behind you.

"Hello Bucky." You said cheerfully. "So what brings you here?"

"I just followed your sweet voice here (Y/N)." He complimented. You blushed lightly, Bucky was always a flirt, no matter who was watching.

"W-well thanks. Never hand anyone tell me that before."

"Has anyone ever told you your (E/C) are like shinning stars?" He winked and grinned. You became even more flustered and couldn't spit out your words.

"Alright Bucky, enough with the flirting." The deep voice behind the three of you said. You knew who that was, and this was not going to be good.

You looked at Bruce with pleading eyes. "Help me." You whispered through a clenched jaw.

"Sorry (Y/N), I have no idea what to do." Bruce shrugged his shoulders and left you three alone.

Your eyes wide, you saw both equally handsome men staring intently at you, as if they were waiting for you to pick one of them to kiss.

"Uh boys? What is it?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Well, (Y/N), we both know that you must like one of us." Steve started, but was cut off by his best friend.

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