Date Night (Sequel to Training Session) Steve Rogers X Reader

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Requested by Argents_Impala! Thank you! If you don't remember what happened, go back and read Training Session before continuing! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You waited anxiously by your apartment door in your sleek, black, and skintight dress for your date to arrive. Your (H/C) locks were curled and your bangs pinned back with those glittery bobby pins you bought from the cute boutique a wile ago. A sexy smokey eye was done on your eyelids and a pink hue tinged your lips. You looked fabulous. Steve Rogers was coming at 7 pm, it was 6:55 currently. You fumbled with your purse straps and smoothed down your dress, anything to stop the shaking of your hands.

*Ding Dong* (I know my noises suck XD)

You waited a minute to open the door because you didn't want to seem creepy and open it right away. What you saw was the most handsome sight you have ever possibly saw. Steve was wearing a white dress shirt, a black blazer, and black slacks. His dress shirt was partially unbuttoned, which made you have a nosebleed. His soft blonde hair was parted at the side (Like in the Avengers and Captain America 1), so some of his self before he was frozen showed.

"Wow, Steve, you clean up nice. But I will admit I'm a bit surprised at the outfit, but it still fits perfectly." You invited him inside.

"I went to Tony to see what I should wear, you know I haven't been on a date in..." He thought a bit. "Well, I've never been on a date now that I think about it. But Tony hired a tailor and did this for me. But thank you. You look wonderful as always." Steve smiled and returned your compliment.

"Awe stop it! But thank you Steve." You blushed a bit.

"Should we go? The reservation is at 7:30." 

"Ah! Yes, we probably should." 

You two exited your apartment, Steve grabbed your hand. You blushed yet again, your small hand in his large one felt nice. And since Steve still didn't know how to drive, you had to be the  driver of the date. Which was fine by you.

You made small talk as you drove to to Rockwoods Grill, a very popular and semi-formal eatery. You went here once before and loved the endless buffet, even if it was quite expensive. But you offered to split the bill with Steve, knowing that even if he was an Avenger, it didn't mean he was rich.

~Time Skip brought to you by Shiemi's Garden Spirit and her Familiar!~

You chowed down on some perfectly roasted ham and buttered roll, as Steve ate a slice of steak.

"So Steve, I was wondering, how come you were in the training room that day?" You asked.

Steve chuckled. "I was pissed at Tony. That guy just doesn't know how to hold back sometimes, ya know?"

"Yes! Finally, some one who agrees with me! Working with Tony is definitely a pain in the ass. He always is getting in your business." You agreed and chewed on some ham.

"Yeah, though, I thought Pepper was his personal assistant or something." Steve said.

"She is, I just am kinda like her assistant. I don't know, its confusing, the way Tony works." You replied.

You two just talked about anything and everything. Nothing was awkward or forced, just easy going and comfortable. After you split the bill, Steve said he had something to show you at the park near by. So you drove about five minutes over there and parked your car in the parking lot.

"What is it Steve?" You asked as your hand was grabbed and he lead you to the forest near by with trails.

"Just follow me. I found this spot a while ago and I just had to show you (Y/N). It reminds me of you, how beautiful it is." He said, he then stopped and turned abruptly to the left. You blushed at his comment and followed him through the tiny man made trail.

"What is so beau- Whoa." You looked up and saw the night sky with thousands of tiny stars through the opening in the trees. 

The sight was as magnificent as Steve in his attire form Tony. Words couldn't describe the peace and happiness that you found while being here, especially with Steve. You looked over at him and caught him taring at you with a warm smile.

"What is it?"

'Nothing, just thinking about the last time I felt this happy. (Y/N), I cant express how I feel right now. being here with you now, it makes me want to kiss you." Steve said, still holding your hand.

"The what are you waiting for?" You grinned as you saw him lean down, closer to you.

You pulled forward and crashed your lips on his. A kiss under the starlight, you have always wanted to do this. But with Steve, it was even better. Not to mention you where kissing Captain America, how many girls would kill to be in your position. The kiss was long and passionate, your hands around his neck and his on your waist.

You pulled back and panted, grinning at the super soldier. "That was the best kiss I ever had. Didn't know you could kiss like that." You teased.

"Yeah, me either." Steve said before placing his lips back on yours. What a perfect date to have with and Avenger.

Author's Note

Hello! Its been a million years since I updated! Don't kill me! Requests are open, but I'm only taking about 3, I still have three other requests for me Supernatural oneshots that need to get filled. But thank you for your patience! I'm sick right now, so my work might be a bit crappy, I know I'm sorry! :( But until next oneshot, Makenna out!

Instagram~ makenna_stark

For communication purposes^^^^

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