Girls Day Out Natasha Romanof X Reader

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Natasha had always been a really good friend of yours. Ever since you joined S.H.I.E.L.D as a secret agent, you instantly befriended Nat. You two sat in one of the many room aboard the helicarrier. You and Nat had been working on a mission but you were getting no where with it. The current mission was being taken place in Minnesota. So the helicarrier was flying over the cities.

"So I was thinking..." 

"Yeah?" You looked up from the files.

"Well, Fury did say we could have a day off and was thinking we could have a girls day out?"

"He did? But that's so unlike him.." You muttered, staring at the files in confusion.

"Well... not exactly. I could trick him into us having a lead and we have to leave, just us. Then we could shopping at Mall of America." Nat looked at you hopefully. You contemplated the pros and cons of Nat's plans.

"Fine. But we are getting right back to this once we are done." You stood up with Natasha following right behind you. You grabbed your small wallet and tucked it in your pockets. You found it odd that Nat, the Black Widow, master assassin wanted a girls day out.

"Fury, we may have a lead on this mission. But I request that only Agent (L/N) and I go. It will be safer for our other agents." Nat told Fury, she was an excellent liar. Plus Fury trusted Nat more than he did you. 

He turned around from looking out the large windows of the helicarrier. Hands on his hips, he looked Nat directly in the eyes. "If you must, report back in seven hours to the helicarrier. Take one of the planes." He turned back around, staring at nothing.

"Thank you, sir."  She turned on her heels, heading to the planes on the helicarrier. But before she reached the door, Nat took a sharp left to another room.

"Where are we going? Didn't Fury say to take a plane?" You asked the red haired assassin.

"Wouldn't it be kinda weird if we landed a plane right in the middle of the parking lot?" She replied, you saw something glinting in her eyes.

"True, but what are we going to do?" Nervousness racked your body.

"Ever went skydiving, Agent (L/N)?" She grabbed two parachutes, throwing one to you.

"Yes, but never out of the helicarrier! Where are we going to land? How are we going to get back?" You fumbled with the parachute, attempting to get it on your body.

"We will be landing on the top floor of the parking ramp. I will say our plane got stolen and they took the tracking device out of it the Clint will pick us up." She smiled, pleased with her plan.

"But don't they count how many planes they have on board?" You asked, still hesitant about her plan and jumping out of the helicarrier.

"Not generally, about once a month really. C'mon, you are with a trained agent." She grabbed your hand and opened the door that was an emergency exit. 

"Hey! I'm trained agent too! Wait! AHHHHHHHHH!" Nat jumped out of the helicarrier with you along with her.  The jump didn't last too long and you landed on top of the parking ramp, just like Natasha predicted.

"Wow, that was actually awesome. But are you going to wear your Black Widow suit inside? I mean you could, but we aren't cosplaying." You where wearing just normal jeans, tee shirt, and tennis shoes.

"Thats why I always prepare." Nat took off her suit and underneath was jeans and a tee shirt, like you. She put tennis shoes in her bag that she snuck out of the room you two where previously occupying.

"That's definitely nifty." You walked off the parking ramp and went into the huge mall.

Dozens upon dozens of stores lined up, a large food court with various eating options, and lets not forget the Nickelodeon Universe for kids. You have never been here before (Or maybe you have, lets pretend this is your first time.) and you had no idea what was here.

"Over here." Nat pulled you over to a few clothing stores. You both came out with big bags full of sale clothing.

You and Natasha hit almost every store in that giant mall. You stopped for a bite to eat, you got (F/F) while Nat got Chinese. 

"Why did you want to do this? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you did, but this is so out of character for you. It's nice though." You asked, picking up your fork to pick up another piece of food. Nat smiled and set down her fork, placing her elbows on the table.

'Well, I recently decided to have some more fun in my life. I thought that going to the mall this my favorite agent besides Clint was a nice start to it. I don't want my life to revolve around just S.H.I.E.L.D and me being Black Widow." She took a sip of her drink, letting the straw suck up any her drink till it was gone.

"Well I like this new Natasha. We should do this more often." You smiled at her, grabbing your tray and heading to the garbage. Nat followed you and dumped her trash as well.

"Do you want to go to a few more stores or call Clint?" You asked, walking out of the food court.

"I think we can call Clint, it's about that time he would be settling down in his nest." You laughed at her joke and called Clint.

"He will be here is five at the roof. C'mon." You grabbed Nat and pulled her to the parking ramp. Hopping in the plane, Clint flew back to the helicarrier still wondering why you two left.

Author's Note

I'm sorry it's kinda short and crappy. I haven't had much time this week. But expect more in the next parts! Excepting requests!n Thanks for reading!

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