Chapter 1

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I wasn't always into theatre. I think I started when I needed a distraction from my life. Once you're on the stage, nothing seems impossible. Nothing seems imaginary anymore... You just feel like you could fly. You can play roles that make you open up, and quite simply put, you feel like a different person.

I guess the reason I personally am into theatre is because it masks who I really am. A socially awkward sophomore with way too much time on his hands. Especially when summer rolls along. All I used to do was sit inside and read. But that all changed when a flyer, probably accidentally, arrived in our mailbox.

It was to audition for a musical. I think it was called West Side Story. But that's not important, and I vaguely remember anything from that show. All I was was an ensemble character.

I continued on with the programs for the local theatre, meeting new people apart of the group and performing new shows. We all seemed to automatically click. I loved it.

Well... We all seemed to automatically click on stage. The only problems backstage were that
A) Matthew Williams was almost invisible.
B) Francis and Arthur never stop fighting.
And C), I was never invited to the cast parties.

Hello, my name is Toris Lauranitis.

"Yes, it's all for the best!" The voices rang on the stage, earning a round of applause and even some cheering. The number was performed by Ludwig and Feliciano, two polar opposites who did surprisingly well together on the stage. I leaned against the wall of the old church building, making sure my hair was still up like I was told it had to be. (Which was kind of unfair, because Francis got to keep his down.)

Oh, let me explain a little. This theatre is a project in progress from an old church to a new theatre. Which also means that the backstage is cluttered with hidden work tools, the gallery has no floor, and the only place that we can use is the stage, the seats, and the lobby in front. We have no hot water, and a bat lives in the bell tower.

But we love it anyways.

I think the reason that we all stayed was because it gave us an excuse to go to the convenience store every day.

All of those energy drinks that Alfred takes definitely aren't good for him. And Kiku seems to notice, since he always slaps his hand away from them when we're inside.


"C'mon, Keeks, just one?"

"No. Do you know how bad those are for you? They are horrible for your health."

"So is dying, but people do it anyways!"

I began to walk around to the front of the theatre to make the entrance I had to. It was rather cold outside, since it was mid spring and there was still a bit of snow on the ground. I rubbed my bare arms and shivered a bit, biting my lip as my shoes slapped against the cement. Though, when I made it to the front, I was greeted to something rather... Odd.

There, sitting on the steps, was a boy with shoulder length blonde hair, staring at the large wooden doors, presumably to listen to the music that escaped from them.

"Hey." I called out firmly, though my voice wavered ever so slightly.

The boy turned around, looking at me with curious green eyes. Though, he didn't speak. Just stared at me, like a deer caught up in the headlights.

"T-... There's a show going on, and if you want to listen, you have to pay to get in." I said firmly. I then gulped before quickly adding, "b-but it's already in progress! So come tomorrow if you want to listen so badly."

The blonde stared at me still, blinking occasionally before standing up and shaking his head a bit. His brown Ugg boots hit the pavement as he began to walk to the four way stop, presumably to the apartments diagonal to the theatre. Before he left, I couldn't help but hear him mumble under his breath,

"You have a wonderful singing voice."

This was Feliks, the boy that was going to change my entire life. Thinking back onto it now, I shouldn't've been so rude to him. But you'll figure out why later.

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