Chapter 6

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"You're hitting the wrong note."

"I'm trying."

"Try harder."

I groaned at the difficulty Feliks was providing. Apparently, he was in love with this musical, and was really determined to help me with my music. It was pretty difficult, yet it was probably my favorite music from this show.

"Okay, so like, I saw this live once, and the guy who was playing Toby like, totally messed up Pirelli's and God That's Good. He totally messed up. You can't do that, Liet."

"I won't." I snapped. Seemingly unfazed, he continued to play accompaniment for me, courtesy his phone, as I sang along to it. Upon finishing, he smiled wide and clapped.

"Good job." He encouraged.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, smiling weakly. Don't get me wrong about Feliks. He was okay.

Just okay.

Although one of the most flamboyant people I've ever met, he was pure of heart and always smiling, something that made me pretty happy. It wasn't every day you met someone like him.

As soon as people started trickling out of the theatre, I guessed that it was over, so I simply stood up and grabbed my bag that was next to me.

They walked out in pairs, first out was Gilbert and... Matthew? Yeah, Matthew.

"Kesesesesese~! Birdie, wasn't I awesome?" The albino asked and grinned confidently. Matthew just stared at him before replying with "If only I could understand what you were saying over your ignorance." Gilbert felt his cheeks flush as he quickly turned away from the boy.

"Do you need some ice for that burn?" Whispered Antonio, who walked out with Lovino following. "Shut up, you bastard." He demanded. Toni just smiled at him before continuing to walk. After them was Kiku, followed by Alfred.

"So I bought the shining today! You should totally come over and we can, like, watch it!" He gushed excitedly.

"I suppose so... But I have homework."

Alfred looked at him with surprise in his eyes.

"Dude, it's summer."

Kiku, not even turning to look at him, replied, "Dude, AP algebra."

That cut the conversation off fast.

The rest continued to walk out, and I sat against the wall next to the door, as to not be trampled. From inside, I could hear singing.

I turned to look at what it was when I was met with an overly excited Feliks.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He bounced up and down and smiled widely.

"They're singing wicked, Liet! They're, like, totally singing wicked!"

Being the nosy Feliks I knew and tolerated, he poked his head in to see Berwald and Tino onstage, singing what sounded like a duet.

"Loathing! Unadulterated loathing!"

"For your voice."

"Your face."

"Your clothing!"

"Let's just say, I loathe it all!"

They sang in perfect harmony, and the thing I found amusing was how Tino couldn't stop smiling. Even Berwald looked happy, but somehow didn't even smirk.

"Every little trait however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl," Feliks sang softly, grinning like a mad man before grabbing my hands.

"Oooh, Liet, I love love LOVE wicked!" He gushed. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I gathered."

"Hey, Liet?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in question.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Will you be the Alphaba to my Glinda?"

I stared for a moment, about to refuse, but those eyes...

Those pleading eyes...


AN: hope you enjoy the fluff bc feels are coming soon lolbye

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