Chapter 16

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"Hey, um, Feliks?" I called out. The blond turned to look at me and tilted his head to the side. Luckily, he broke no bones, so he was still able to be in the musical.

"Yeah?" He asked, walking towards me and looking up. I swallowed nervously before rubbing the back of my neck. It was opening night. Everyone was warming up, talking, eating things they shouldn't be before singing.

I spun a piece of loose hair on my finger as I glanced away from his eyes, "So, um... I know that we had some... Conflict..." He mumbled.

"That's, like, okay, Liet, it wasn't your fault, and I-" He began. I cut him off and continued, "But this summer, you've been just the best. And I couldn't love you more for it." I bit my lip. God, how could I have admitted that so simply?

But Feliks just smiled and giggled. "Aw, I love you too, Liet! You're, like, a great friend!"

My heart shattered.

"Friend..?" I whispered.

He looked confused, "Are we not friends anymore?" His eyes were struck with worry.

"No, no, I just- I thought we were more than that..."

"Best friends?"

"No, Feliks. I-" I took a deep, stifled breath. "I really, really like you. I- I love you- and- and I don't want you to run away, or ignore me, or make a fake Facebook account about me like you did for other ex's! I just- I just want you to- to just- if you don't I-" I stammered out, I probably sounded like an idiot.

"Liet. Liet. Liet. Liet!" He shouted as I was rambling. But I was on a roll, I couldn't stop.


"I'm sorry for being gay-"

I was cut off when Feliks grabbed my collar, pulling me down and planting a soft kiss on my lips. My eyes were wide, and my heart was beating rapidly against my chest.

When he pulled away, he smiled, eyes half lidded. "Do you think I didn't know that?" He asked and chuckled. I must've looked shocked, because Feliks was laughing like a mad-man. "Oh, Liet, your face right now!"

"S-so do you like me back or not," I stammered, biting my lip. It was more of a statement than a question. "Because I'm really scared that I'm going to start crying and the show is going to start."

Feliks chuckled softly, leaning up and pecking my lips once again. "Aw, Liet, I love you. I mean, like, wasn't it obvious? I love you so much." He took my hands and squeezed them. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being able to love me." I murmured.

Feliks planted a small kiss on my cheek, "Liet? Don't you think this'll be a funny story to tell our kids?" He began to snicker. My head fell to the side in confusion, "What..?"

"Like, 'Okay, kids, me and daddy met when daddy yelled at me for listening in on his musical! And then we got close in another musical, and then we confessed our love in a parking lot!'" He laughed.

I chuckled, "When you put it that way, I guess..."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back.


"Liet, lets go backstage. The show is going to start soon." He tugged me into the building. I laughed softly, glancing at everyone. There were the pre-show rituals- Arthur and Francis were arguing before going in the lighting booth, where they would share apologies and pecks on the lips.

Alfred and Kiku were warming up, hands held tightly together for good luck.

Everyone seemed to be doing something different, and it was pretty nice to see.

When we got to our position backstage, we looked at each other, sharing one last kiss, before whispering,

"Break a leg."

"Do great!"

He smiled at me before we heard Tino begin his speech. I took deep breaths,

It's the opening night.

As soon as I heard the music start to play, my heart beat rapidly. I took one step forward and onto the stage.

The light was blinding.

The rush? Astounding.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

I felt like I was going to hurl.

When I opened my mouth to sing my very first line, I was afraid I would choke. However, I didn't do that. All that came out was singing. I was happy.

"Liet, you can like, totally do this!" Feliks whispered from backstage. It was barely audible, but I could see his lips move. I almost smiled onstage,

I can do this.


So! That's the end of the story! I'm actually very pleased! Don't be surprised if I still update- small extra chapters, news on I Despise You (>:]), all that good stuff. Thank you for reading!

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