Chapter 4

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I yawned as I climbed the stairs to the theatre, pushing open the big wooden doors leading inside to reveal the lobby crowded with several people trying to take a look at the cast list.

The cast list was out.

I quickly made my way up to the list, pushing a few people who were brooding over the parts they had received. This musical wasn't very generous with the parts, so I didn't expect everyone to get what they wanted. So far, all seemed to be in order. Looking down the list, everything was as I expected.

Ludwig had received the role of Sweeney Todd. Shocker.

Elizabeta was playing Mrs. Lovvett, a role she most likely deserved.

I looked down to the next role- Antony. The one I had been after for months after they revealed the summer musical. My eyes scanned down to see who received it, and they widened after I saw.


Feliks had gotten the role of Antony.

Feliks! Of all people!

Leaving me with the role of Toby. It wasn't a bad part at all, but it wasn't what I had wanted. Toby was a young boy who goes insane at the end. I didn't want to play Toby, I wanted to play Antony.

I sighed, holding my head with one hand as I entered the theatre. All four interns were standing onstage, wearing smiles, except for Berwald.

"Hello!" Tino greeted. "I hope you're all content with your parts! It was very hard to decide with so much talent here, but I think we made the right choices, yes?" He giggled out. Yao stepped up and smiled. "We are starting on music today, aru. If you would take your script out and go to the opening number..." He ranted on about how the music was extremely difficult, seeing how sodenhiem had written it and all. I couldn't stop glaring at Feliks. The smug bastard looked so focused on learning the music, he wasn't even in the number! What the hell is his problem?!?


Yao went on with music for a while before giving us all a ten minute break. Most people headed down to the convenience store, but I just sat on the steps and ate the food I brought from home.

And guess who came out to sit next to me?

"Hey, like, congratulations on the part of Toby. You must be, like, totally excited to work on it." Feliks smiled at me. I shot him a glare, rolling my eyes before replying with a venomous "thank you".

The blonde nodded and tossed his hair over his shoulder, smiling cheerfully before continuing to speak. "Really. Like, he has the best songs in the whole show. He gets to sing Pireli's Miracle Elixir, and Nothing's Gonna Harm You, and, like, don't forget about how important he is to the ending!" He rambled on, he must've known a lot about this show.

"Well how about you, huh? Are you just thrilled to play Antony?" I asked, cutting him off mid word.

"Well, yeah, like, kinda." Was his response. I looked at him with rather wide eyes, not expecting such a simple response. People began to come back, causing Feliks to stand. "We should, like, get inside, yeah?" He asked, holding a hand out for me to grab.

I glared, pushing myself up with my hands and mumbling,

"I can get up myself."

He seemed unfazed as he walked back inside, leaving me alone on the steps.

What kind of a person does he think he is? Because I can definitely tell, he isn't normal.

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