Chapter 3

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I stared over to this blonde kid, who was now pulling his hair into a ponytail and scribbling down his résumé. I glanced over to take a look (since he just had to sit next to me) and saw that he took 7 years of dance class. A smile overcame me, a rather devious smile at that.

"You know this show isn't a dance show, right?" I asked him. He looked over to me and tilted his head to the side before giggling and smiling.

"Like, of course." He stated before winking at me and turning back to his paper. I scoffed, I didn't like this kid at all. He was rude, flirty, and showed up late. He didn't deserve to be here, in my opinion. I continued to read over my own résumé, copying down all shows that I have performed in in my life. Which was about 8, including plays.

"We will start auditions in order of the sign-in sheet," Yao declared, sitting down in the first row along with the other interns that year. Ivan attempted to put his arm around the man, but he simply pushed him away and whispered something along the lines of "not in public".

The order went; Toris, Feliciano, Lovino, Ludwig, Gilbert, Antonio, Matthew (who's pencil must've been running out of lead, because it was very hard to read), Alfred, Kiku, Natalia, Elizabeta, and Basch was supervision for his sister, Erika. She was a sweet girl, and now that I think about it, there's a big chance that she's going to get Johanna.

Oh well.

At the end of the list, a name was hastily written down.


Of course, I was up first, so I made my way onto the stage and looked to Roderich, handing him my sheet music for the audition song I chose (pretty women). I took a deep breath, almost regretting going first. My nerves were getting the better of me.

I closed my eyes before I heard the piano key strike, signifying my starting note. I opened my mouth and began, avoiding eye contact by looking in the direction of the interns as I sang. After singing the required 12 bars, I bowed and smiled as the people in the audience clapped. Erika smiled at me and clapped whole heartedly, while Basch shot me dagger eyes. Well, that was either directed to me or Roderich.

I came back down and took my seat, smiling to myself as Feliciano came on stage and began his song. He was always an eccentric person, so it was guaranteed that on stage he was amazing.

The auditions went on and on, some did fantastic, others got into a fight with the accompanist (I'm taking about you, Gilbert) and some were forgotten about until his older brother stopped talking to his boyfriend and spoke up about it.

"You forgot about Mattie! He was supposed to be next!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, aru. Go ahead, Matthew." Yao said and smiled nervously. He obviously didn't mean to forget him.

Finally, almost everyone was done, everyone but one. We still had to listen to Feliks. Great. Joy.

He handed Roderich his papers and smiled before taking a deep breath and beginning. And hell, could he sing. It was pretty impressive, though I wanted to stab him for that.

"Thank you!" Tino called. "Now, we move on to the acting section." He informed. There were varied reactions.

But I'm not going to go into the acting, because that isn't important. Just know that I got paired up with Gilbert, and he was really, really obnoxious.

After everything was said and done, Tino informed us that after the weekend when we came back, the cast list would be up in the lobby.

"Thank you!" Feliciano called out as him and his brother exited the theatre. Lovino flipped the bird to Antonio, while Gilbert actually handed a bird to Matthew, who was silently yelling at him about how he shouldn't have brought a bird into the theatre.

I exited the building, inhaling the fresh air as one thought ran through my mind-

'What even is my life?'

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