Chapter 7

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I walked towards the small theatre and sighed softly, pulling out my cell phone and checking the time.

It was eight o'clock in the morning.

I know what you're thinking. It's a Sunday in the summer. What are you doing being awake, Toris? It turns out that they're working on set today. Wanting to help in every way I could, I just had to come and help them out.

Plus, mother didn't give me a choice. She packed me a lunch and everything. Thanks, mom. ((AN: actual experience btw))

I pushed the door open and glanced around. Nobody seemed to be inside. That was until...

I heard the sound of loud bickering.

"That isn't where the blueprints said it was supposed to be!"

"What do you know about my work, you dumb Brit?"

"Shut up, frog! I've been doing this for longer than you have!"

"Well who was asked to do the job first? Ohonhonhonhon~,"

"It's only because your last name starts with a B!"

"Speaking of B, you're acting like a bitch."

"I'm going to push you off of that ladder!"

Oh, yes. Francis Bonnefoy and Arthur Kirkland, tech workers for who knows how long. High school seniors and mortal enemies, though, Feliks has this farfetched theory that they're dating. I don't see it.

"Toris! It's good to see you here!" I heard a voice from behind me. I quickly turned to see Tino and Berwald approaching. Tino was wearing a muscle top which showed off his sleeve tattoos.

I knew it.

Berwald was just wearing painting clothes.

"Hey, is, uh, is anyone else coming?" I asked nervously, smiling sheepishly to them. Tino thought for a moment before shrugging. "That could be. But it'll probably just be us." He admitted.

I gulped and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. All day with these people..? Maybe I should fake being sick. Yeah, throw up or something.

"The fabulous me has, like, arrived!" A voice shouted as the doors swung open. I'm surprised that woodland creatures didn't scurry in with him.

It was Feliks, of course.

Now, usually I would be less than thrilled, but Feliks could be my ticket to sanity today.

"H-hi Feliks," I stuttered and waved to him. He grinned his signature grin and waltzed over to me.

"Liet! Like, hi!" He smiled.

Tino scurried up to the sound booth and plugged his phone into the speakers, playing some sort of alternative radio station before shouting, "Lets paint some sets, bitches!"

I took a deep breath and sighed. This was going to be a long day.


Okay. You know how I was dreading today and all that it was going to be awful?

It turned out to be pretty okay. And now, I'm sitting on Felik's couch, watching Mean Girls with him.

"Oh my god, Regina George is like, my spirit animal," he gushed. I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly.

"She's a total bitch." I pointed out.

"Yeah? So? She's blonde and pretty." He smiled. I groaned and shoved him.

"You really are a mean girl."

He giggled softly before putting his arm around my shoulder,

"And you're a nice guy. We're perfect for each other."

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