Chapter 12

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The next morning, I woke up at ten, because the children's program started at noon.

Can I just say, this children's program is really wigging me out? What if Feliks gets mad? I can't handle a mad Feliks. He's polish. He'll kill me.

Okay, not really, but you get it.

Upon getting dressed, I checked the cupboards to find the coffee.

And that's when I realized:

Mom was gone.

Mom drank all of the coffee.


I usually don't go to the convenience store next to the theatre. It's not like I held a grudge on it, I just usually got people to go for me because they got to keep my change.

Also, I hate talking to people.

At about eleven thirty I pushed open the doors. The smell of pizza, machinery, and a bit of gasoline flooded my very being.

Convenience stores are so gross...


After the children's practice, I was free to go home- or wherever- until practice later. I shoved my hands into my pockets, glancing around. There had to be something to do.

My eyes wandered to the apartment buildings. Maybe I could just... No, Toris. You'll seem clingy.

I should just go home, I decided. As I was walking down the street- I thought I could make it home without anything weird happening.

I was so wrong.

"LIET!" I heard someone scream. I quickly spun around, eyes wide as none other than Feliks attacked me.

"I- augh! Fe- Feliks, what the hell?!?!" I asked, flustered. He laughed.

"Sorry, Liet! Just wanted to catch you before you left me!" He winked.

I stared at him. "Did you know the people in that convenience store are really weird?" I asked.

His head fell to the side in confusion, "Huh? They seemed, like, fine when I talked to them." He tossed his hair over his shoulder. I shook my head. "Yeah... Are you coming to rehearsal tonight?" I questioned. He nodded and smiled. "Like, duh! I'm so excited to perform this show. It's, like, totally broadway worthy!" He giggled.

"I don't know about that.." I shrugged. "But whatever you say," I smiled.

He beamed. "You're broadway worthy. So am I. We should do a two-man show."

I shook my head. "What show even has two people?"

"The Liet and Feliks show!" He beamed.

I sighed a bit, "You're ridiculous."

"Yes, but I'm your ridiculous."

"Good point." I smiled.

Good point.

I Need You (lietpol/poliet)Where stories live. Discover now