Chapter 11

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"Liet!" I heard a scream from outside of my window. I winced, rubbing my eyes as I quickly crawled out of my bed, blinking groggily before flipping the window open, "Feliks! Hush!" I scolded. He was standing in my mom's flower garden, which she wouldn't be too happy about.

"But Liet," he whined. I shook my head, "No. I'll come down for you to talk to me. It's too early to be screaming..." I muttered. He nodded and smiled, I could practically sense his impatience.

I walked down the stairs cautiously, grabbing onto the railing to avoid falling. I opened the door and trudged out. The sun had already risen.

When I approached him, he stared at me with wide eyes, and a huge smile.

"What?" I blinked.

"Okokok, so my mom takes me to the waterfront a few times in the summer, and now, I want you-" he pointed at he, grabbing my hands, "to come with me!" He beamed.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Ehhh... Well... I'll have to check..." I said quietly. He looked disappointed. "Lietttttttt!" He whined, desperation was practically radiating off of his body like the Victoria's Secret perfume he was obviously drenched in.

"I don't want to go to Buffalo without my mom knowing where I am, Feliks. And I have- no, not today." I recalled, the children's theatre for me started tomorrow, thank god.

"Huh?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

Oh god.

Feliks. His dream of working with children in a musical.

Better keep a tight lip.

"Let me go ask." I humored the boy, walking back inside. He cheered, something like, "Liet, Liet, Liet, yay!"

I poked my head in through my moms bedroom door. "Mom..? Feliks wants me to go up to the city with him. The waterfront." I informed.

"Whatever, what time is it, why are you awake?"

"Did you not hear the screaming polish boy outside of our house?"


"Okay, I can go." I informed. I walked back out in jeans, a Godspell t-shirt, and my high tops. I wasn't going to dress to impress. This was Feliks.

Oh, wait. I almost forgot.

I'm in love with Feliks, aren't I?

"Awesome!" He exclaimed. All that popped into mind was Gilbert. Feliks dragged me along to his apartment building, humming to the tune of 'Epiphany' as he went.

"And I will get him back, even as he gloats," he mumbled.

"In the meantime, I'll practice on less honorable throats," I finished. He turned to me and grinned. I sighed softly,

"And my Lucy, lies in ashes! No I'll never see my girl again!"

"I will-"

"Have you!"

Feliks beamed at me as I smiled shyly. He knew how much of a Sweeney Todd fan I was. Why wouldn't I be? Steven Sodenhiem is a genious.

And he has written more than just Into The Woods.

When we arrived at his moms car, we crawled into the back seat. Feliks chatted away to his mother, while I, on the other hand, attempted to become one with the seat.

The blond reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Like, don't worry, Liet. It'll be fine. We're just gonna go to the waterfront, and like, get ice cream! Because they have, like, lots of ice cream stands up in the summer. Ooh, do you think they'll have chocolate?!?" He exclaimed.

I stared at him. "Why wouldn't they... Have... Chocolate..?"


When we arrived to the waterfront, it was actually kind of nice. There were a lot of people, but Feliks made me stay close by literally having me carry his purse.

"Liet! Liet, Liet!" He called. I followed after him, "Okay, what?" I asked. He beamed. "They have, like, a photo booth. A photo booth! We, like, have to take some!" He demanded.

I sighed. No escape now.


Okay, so, I thought the photo booth would be hell, but it was actually really fun.

I thought this whole day would be hell. I was, again, wrong.

When I did arrive back in town, it was six o'clock. We had practice. As Feliks pranced in, he was greeted by Ivan.

"Ah, just the people I wanted to see, da?" He smiled. "I need to get the sizes for your costumes. If you would just cooperate, you'll be done in no time."

Feliks obliged, he acted as if he were getting sized for a ballroom gown.

I, however, did not like getting sized. I felt like I was getting judged.

After we were done, we went into the theatre and took a seat. Lovino was running around, asking anyone if the would make a snack run with him.

"I'll, like, totally go!" Alfred beamed. The rehearsal was nothing new. We rehearsed the same shit as usual.

Except this time, all I did was speak to Feliks.

So that was a big accomplishment.


AN: ok but I actually have a plan for this to go places so just be patient 8)

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