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 My name is Cora Summers

I once had a life that was filled with parties and friends, but now i'm left with nothing. I was abused at home. My father was a drunk bastard who beat me like I was an animal. My mother was too busy counting her money to care. I was extremely popular at school and my friends parents treated me like their own children, which was undeniably better than the way my own parents treated me. I thought that my luck was changing when my father got an unexpected promotion in his job and needed to move to Tennessee to be closer to corporate headquarters, and I was left to live with my grandmother. I had a good stable home for the first time in my life, but that only lasted a few months. My grandmother grew ill and died a few weeks after being diagnosed with a form of lung cancer that we were told was untreatable.  I was all alone. I was no longer popular at school, and anyone who was once associated with me was now avoiding me at all costs. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this feeling of loneliness the way I have. But who knows, maybe even my luck can change?

My name is Cody Taylor

My Father was sent to prison for abusing my sister, my mother and I, and my Mother died a few months ago. I'm 18 years old, and I have to raise my eight year old sister,  who just so happens to have a disability, on my own. Keeping up a house hold is a lot more expensive than I thought it would be, so I may or may not have gotten myself into some .... illegal activities to help pay the rent. I recenty... came up with a bit more cash than I usually make, so my sister and I are moving into a new appartment buillding, to get away from our old neighborhood. Recently my best friend died after getting jumpped right in front of my house, so I figured that it was time for a change. I'm a huge player. There's no other way to put it. Everyone knows that I play girls, then leave them crying and begging me to 'fall in love' with  them again. I'm the bad boy, and I like it that way. My home life sucks, and so does work. I dropped out of highschool, but I'm not stupid. No one cares enough to help me or my sister out, not even my uncle. But who knows,  maybe my luck will change?

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