Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Cora's Point of view-

That the hell is wrong with me! He broke my heart and kicked it with steeled toed boots, and I'm kissing him anyway! 

I need to get my priorities straight!

Our lips moved in sync, and I felt sparks fly through my body. 

I know I should have pulled away, but his lips are almost magnetic, and I just couldn't find myself pulling away. 

Now that I think about  it, It's kind of ironic that we ended up kissing, after singing a break up song. 

I hope that's not a sign of what's to happen. 

We pulled away panting, and he rested his forehead on mine. 

"You have an amazing voice." He says with his world famous smirk that makes me want to melt. 

"You're not to bad yourself." I say grinning like an idiot. That's when I realize, "How much of that did you hear?" 

he pulled his forehead off of mine, and leaned back.

"You know Cors, if you would have told me you had talent, I would have jammed with you sooner."

That moment I had one of the best/worst ideas of my life. 

"You wanna come inside?" I ask and he raises his eyebrow questionably. 

"I would but my sister's right next door, and hearing you scream my name might make it difficult for her to sleep." He says wiggling his eyebrows. 

Sex joke.. of course!

He then made a face indicating pure horror at what he had just said, and I knew that he remembered what he had done to me the other night. "Cors, I am so sorry about that by the way. I didn't mean any of the things I said, especially that you're easy. To be honest, I think you would be the last girl to sleep with me." 

 I looked at him with my eyes wide. "I'm going to assume that that's a complement, and I'll forgive you. But that doesn't mean that I trust you. Now come on." I say leading a seemingly speechless Cody into my apartment. 

 I lead him into my bedroom and he gave me an odd look. I didn't explain, I just walked into my closet intentionally leaving the lights out. I have a humongous walk in closet. The measurements of the closet, are larger than my bedroom, so Cody and I weren't right on top of each other in the closet. 

Who ever lived in the apartment before me, got rid of the en suite, and turned it into a closet. It's a really good thing that the apartment had two bathrooms. 

"Um.. Cors. I don't mean to sound like a prick, but why are we standing in your closet?" He asked. 

"Just shut up and flip the light switch. It's on the wall to your left."

He flipped on the light switch, revealing the recording studio that I had made in my humongous closet. I know I said I was broke, and I am. A studio in downtown, closed and I know the owner, so they gave me all the equipment. It was used, and nobody was buying the equipment. Why waste it?

"Wow!" Cody said looking around, and doing a double take at almost everything in the room.

I laughed at his ridiculous reactions. "You like?" I ask when I notice he has taken a particular liking to the black wall piano that sits in the middle of my studio. 

"Um try love! You have been holding out on me Cors! You play the piano?" He asked completely changing the subject. 

"No. I own a piano because I like looking at it." I sarcastically roll me eyes and smile lightly.

"You know you didn't have to be sarcastic about it. I was only asking you a question."

I did't say anything back to him. I just walked over to the Piano and began to skillfully slide my fingers over the keys. I played the intro of my favorite song, Just a dream, and stopped; turning my head to face Cody. 

"No. Don't stop playing. I like that song." He said picking up one of the three acoustic guitars that I own. 

Yeah, the studio had a lot of instruments and recording equipment. I even have a french horn sitting on a shelf somewhere. Weird right?

He started to play Just a Dream, and I joined in on the piano. We sang in harmony for what seemed like hours, and just as we finished the last section of the song, A very excited looking Audra burst through the closet doors. 

"Ah ha!" She says and we both instantly stop what we're doing. "I told you, you guys are perfect for each other! Even your voices work together." 

"ugh." I hear Cody sigh. "Audra, please give up on the match making. I love you dearly, but it's starting to get annoying as fu-" 

"Do you want us to play something for you?" I asked Audra, cutting Cody off mid sister-scarring sentence. 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She says bouncing up and down in her chair, and coming to sit near the bench next to me. 

"Alright. You asked for it." Cody said, and he started playing She will be loved, By Maroon 5. 

"Beauty Queen of only eighteen she, had some trouble with herself." He began to sing, and I played  something that resembled the piano part, and I sang in harmony. 

Once we had finished the song I looked down, and saw that Audra had fallen asleep. 

"I'll take her." Cody said scooping her up in his arms and carrying her out of my apartment, and into the hall way, wheelchair in tow. 

"well, Night Cors." 

"Night Cody." I said, and just when I though he was going to turn around and leave, he moved towards me and placed his lips to mine. 

If anyone would have seen us, we probably would have looked like the perfect little family. 

Well they'd be wrong.

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