Chapter 20

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Cora's Point of View-

We were sitting in the car, driving in the torrential rain. We, being Cody, Audra and myself.

Today is the day. She's really leaving us.

We all sat in silence as we drove to the airport. All of audra's things were in the trunk, and she would be living in Virginia in approximately three hours. This al felt unreal.

This shit day started with me receiving a phone call from my mother, telling me that she couldn't wait to see me. Yeah... whatever.

Then all of the guys went over to Cody's place to say good bye to Audra, and I discovered that Anton has made it his personal goal in life to make mine a living hell.

Now I'm sitting in a car next to my boyfriend, who is crying his eyes out while driving his sister to the airport. Okay, so he's not really balling his eyes out; he actually doesn't really cry, but his eyes were glassy, and he keeps wiping his nose, so I know he wants to.

When we pulled into the parking lot my heart dropped.

This is it. I though to myself.

Cody opened the trunk of his car, and took two of her suitcases. I took the third suitcase, and closed the trunk.

This just doesn't feel real, but every time I pinch myself so that I'll wake up, I don't .

"Its alright, you know." Cody said, walking up next to me. "She will be better off not living with me." The sad look in his eyes grew.

"Where would she be without you?" I respond, already knowing the answer is no where.

"She's better off now." He reassured himself more than me.

We continued to sign Audra in, and eventually we were just standing around waiting for her fllight to start boarding.

"Flight 147 for Virginia, is now boarding!" A cheerful womans voice boomed through a speaker.

"That's me!" Audra squealed excitedly. She is really looking forward to living in a new state.

"Yeah. I guess it is." I say, and she looks up at me with large, expectant eyes.

That's when I broke down..

"I'm going to miss you so much!" I say, leaning down, and pulling her into a tight hug. "I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without you!"

"I'll be back soon. I promise!" She whispered into my ear, as if she didn't want anyone else to hear. "And if Cody does anything stupid, I'll be on the next flight back."

"Thank you for everything Audra!"

"Last call for flight 147 for Virginia!" The Lady's voice called over the loud speaker.

"That's you kiddo." Cody said sadly.

"Bye girlie." I whispered as she rolled away towards her flight.

Just as she boards the plane I am startled by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Cora Summers?" the voice on the other line asked.

"Yes, this is she..."

"My name is Janet Brown, I'm a nurse at Barton hospital.. I'm sorry to tell you, but your friend Kim has passed away. If you need anything, just call this number back." With that she hung up.

"Who was that?" Cody asked, probably because I look like I had just seen a ghost.

" that was a woman from the hospital. Kim is dead."


Dun dun duhhhh!

LOL So sorry that It took me so long to post this chapter, but I have been SUPER busy!

Please comment or VOTE! I would really appreciate it!

I love you all for continuing to read this story for 20 Whole chapters! That is absolutey unbelievable!








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