Chapter 7

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A/N- I'm so sorry that it took me like three days to post this chapter, but I have been trying so hard to get this out, so please don't be mad at me! Okay, Please don't play the song on the side until it is mentioned! It will help you be able to visualize that scene better, It's how I picture them sounding when they sing. Sorry that this chapter is so short. I don't have a new excuse, I still am having trouble finding time to write.


Chapter 7-

Cody's Point of view-

"There is no way in hell Cora and Dylan are on a date." I say folding my arms in front of my chest. " I  don't believe it."

"well believe it dude," James said placing his hand on my shoulder sympathetically, " 'cause they are, and I think he really likes her."

"Shes not his type." I state quickly

"So, Smart, beautiful, and gutsy isn't his type?"


"Bro, when the hell are you going to cut the shit, and admit that you might have feelings for this girl?!" James says moving to sit across from me in the booth that I had moved to. 

 "I don't have feelings for her." I said defensively. "I haven't known her long enough to like her anyways!"

James held his hands up signaling a surrender. "Okay, alright, I'll give you that. You don't have feelings for her, but you do care about her."

I just can't win today!

"I don't care about anyone! Audra is the only exception, and she's my little sister."

"Then why the hell did you look like you were gonna beat the shit outta Dylan when we told you he and Cora are on a date?"

"Because he's my friend, and I don't want him to have to suffer through an entire day of listening to Cora's big mouth running." 

"What ever man, but she's actually a really nice girl if you get to talk to her, and I know that you were too wasted to give a shit, but when you came on to her at the party, she was really hurt. You were too drunk to notice, but I saw her sittin' outside on the steps bawlin' her eyes out! Doesn't that make you feel the least bit upset?" James lectured me, and once I started to think about it, I realized something. He had a pretty damn good point.

She can be a nice girl, and she still hasn't told me her side of the story. I don't have feelings for her, but I don't want to see her hurt either.

 Great, now I'm starting to sound like a chick. 

"Whatever, but I gotta go. I have to pick Audra up from my uncles. Bye guys." I say walking out of the lounge, followed by a chorus of bye Cody's. 


Cora's Point of View-

"So do I get a good night kiss?" Dylan asked with a smirk on his face. 

I had ended up spending the entire day with Dylan, and It was absolutely amazing!

First we went out to get coffee, and then decided that we should go and see the newest horror flick that was out. After the movie, we went out to dinner, and I honestly couldn't have had a better day. But  throughout the day I kept getting the feeling that something was missing. Just what was missing, I couldn't put my finger on, but I had an incredible day none the less. 

"I definitely think you earned one." I said flirtatiously. 

He then leaned in for a kiss, and I pushed his shoulder. He looked at me in confusion, and I attempted to hide the smile that was creeping onto my face. 

"I said you earned it. I never said that I would give it to you."  

"Oh, Well Night Cora.." He said with slight disappointment. 

"Night." I said, and I closed the door half way. When Dylan turned to leave, I opened the door, and ran in front of him. 

"Wait! You forgot something." 

"What did I forget?" He asked, raising one eye brow. 

"This." I said before gently placing my lips on his for a second, and then taking a careful step back. I didn't say a word, and neither did he. I just turned around and walked back into my apartment. 


Once I had gotten inside, I took a shower, and changed into a white tank top, and a pair of auburn baggy sweatpants. 

It was only eleven, and I was bored, so I did the only logical thing I could do. I sat outside on the floor in front of my apartment, and played the guitar. 

Yes. I do know how to play the guitar. I have dreams just like you do.

I began to play a tune that reminded me of the piano part of the song Yesterday, by Toni Braxton, and I started to sing the song. 

My voice grew louder as I got more comfortable with the beat. By half way through the song I had gotten completely into the song, and at first I didn't notice the angelic voice that had joined me to sing the Trey Songz part in the song. 

I looked over, and saw Cody sitting on the floor next to me. 

I love this song, and to be honest, Cody's voice is incredible, so I continued to play, and sing. 

When the song was over, I honestly can't remember exactly how it happened, but when I strummed the last note, I found myself looking into Cody's eyes, and leaning in. 

Two minutes later I found myself making out with him on the floor in front of our apartments. 

What the hell is wrong with me?

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