Chapter 23

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Cora's Point of View-

It has been three weeks since my father came to give me a 'surprise' visit. After I had called the police to say I was a complete mess, would be an understatement.

Since I could barely function after being scared shitless by the man who raped me as a child, (Not meant to be offencive to anyone!) Cody hasn't left my side since,but that meant that Cody had to miss his fight....

Yes, I know about the fight. I found out right after I found Cody with the shit beat out of him in front of his apartment.

He leaves to get the mail one time.....

He's fine now though! He recovered in less than a week, so I'm assuming that there was no serious damage.

Well I would say that he has brain trauma, but he acts the same way he did before he got the shit beat out of him.

and the girlfriend of the year award goes to........

"You ready to go?" Cody asks from the living room, while I was putting on the finishing touches on my outfit.

"Yeah! I need like three minutes to get my shit together!" I yell out to him, and I hear my bedroom door swing open.

"we're going to miss our flights if we don't leave soon." He says picking up my suitcase off of my bed.

"I would say that you pack too much, but you have a smaller suitcase than I do, so I really shouldn't be talking."

"Well how else are you going to fit you gigantic ego on to the plane?" I asked with a smirk.

"Keep up the jokes, Summers, just remember who you have to sit next to on the airplane."

"I'm sorry Cody!" I say with a cutesy pout.

"Nope. It's too late for that princess!" He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Oh, shit! What are you going to do now?" I asked, and he just smiled.

"Oh trust me, you'll find out."



(three hours later)

"I cannot believe that you did that!'' I say walking out of the Virginia airport. "Now what's your grandmother going to think of me!?"

Right before we got on to our plane, Cody's grandmother called him and asked if she should prepare two bedrooms for us, or if we were going to share.

Since Cody had said he was going to get me back, he decided that his grandmother calling would be the perfect opportunity to embarrass the shit out of me. He told her that one would be fine, because I sleep naked, and I want him with me while I'm not clothed, if you know what I mean. I actually don't sleep naked, and I definitely wouldn't want him in the room if I did!

"She'll love you, I know she will..." he smiled, "She might think you're really horny, but she'll love you just the same." He then burst into a fit of laughter.

"It's not funny!" I say, still absolutely petrified that he had told his grandmother those things.

"But it really is!" He said in between laughs.

I then heard a car horn honk and we looked up. There was an old beat up pick up truck with an extremely familiar little girl sitting in the front passengers seat smiling out at us.

"Cody, Cora!" She yelled From the car, since her wheel chair was in the trunk.

I noticed a kindly looking old man, sitting happily in the drivers seat. When he saw me looking at him, he smiled a toothy smile, and waved for Cody and I to get into the car.

"So this must be Cora! Am I right?"

"Yes Grand-dad, this is Cora. Cora this is my grandfather, Pete Mayard."

"Hello Mr. Mayard! It's nice to meet you!" I say with a smile.

"Its nice to meet you too, but please call me Pete!"

"Well Thank You for picking us up, Pete."

"It's my pleasure dear, If I would have known that you would be this sweet and well mannered, I would have done this weeks ago!"

"Well I'm glad you guys are hitting it off, but don't you think that Gram is going to be mad that we're a half an hour late as it is?" Cody said, throwing our luggage into the bed of the truck.

"See, I knew I kept you around for something!" Pete said, sliding into the open door of the drivers seat.

"Thanks...." Cody says sarcastically rolling his eyes, and opening the door for me to get into the back seat. 

Once I had gotten in he scooted next to me, and closed the door behind him.

"Thank You so much for letting me sat in your home, Pete. It really means a lot to me that you're letting us spend time with Audra." I say after giving Audra an awkward hug over the seat. 

"Well, that's very kind of you Cora, but lets just hope that Gram likes you as much as I do, or you'll be sleeping on the curb."

Oh shit! 

I'm already off to a bad start wth her...

I guess i gotta activate my ass kissing powers again...


I am so sorry for making you all wait for this short crappy chapter! 

I honestly have no good excuses on why i haven't updated, other than that I haven't been home, and i hate typing on my phone..... Sorry about that guys!!

Have you ever heard the song Too Beautiful, by he is we, because it is absolutely beautiful, and its about abuse, so maybe some of you can relate to it!! 

I hope that you guys like where this story is going, and if you don't then I'm sorry, but I think the ending will be totally worth your current suffering!]

Well, if you guy could please do me the HUGE favor of checking out my other stories, i would REALLY appreciate it! I am hoping to get one of my stories, The Alpha's Son, to 20,000 reads, and I can't do that without your guys's help!

Well, enough of this weird Authors note, for today...








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