Chapter 9

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A/N- I just wanted to ask you all to please comment your opinions/thoughts on this story! I need to know what I'm doing wrong, and what I should continue doing. I'm sorry for interrupting your reading, but I just want feedback! I am so unimaginably sorry for not posting! I was sitting in a car for almost 20 hours, so I had no internet access and had plenty of time to right, well, until my computer battery died on me!

Okay, continue your reading!



Chapter 9

Cora's Point of View-

"Hey princess." Dylan says when I open the front door. 

"I don't mean for this to sound rude, but why are you at my house at ten a.m.?" I ask

 "Oh, Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, and since you didn't answer your phone, I came over to ask, and since it's early I figured that you might not have any plans." 

I laughed, "So basically you made it so there is no possible way I could say no?" 

"Exactly." He said shamelessly, which made me feel quite special for some unknown reason. 

"Well, what do you say?" He asked, and I laughed again.

"I'll go and change." I said rushing off to my bedroom and running to change and do my hair. 

I don't know why I was in such a rush. Maybe I just don't want to be here when Cody wakes up. I know he'll probably come over, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the way we hung out last night to be a regular thing. Well, I could get used to the kissin-... NO! Cora control yourself, you're spending the day with Dylan not Cody. 

Great, now I talk to myself. What the hell is wrong with me?!

Focus, back to me getting ready. 

I pulled on a cute pink flora top, and a pair of dark wash denim shorts. When I was satisfied with my outfit, I went into the bathroom, and quickly combed through my hair, and brushed my teeth. I put on a light bit of make up, so I didn't look like the bride of Frankenstein, and when I thought I was ready, I checked the time. 

10:15. Damn I go ready fast! I'm so proud of myself! Yay for me! 

Note to self never say yay for me again....

No! I'm talking to myself again! 

Okay, I walked out of my room and found Dylan was lying on my sofa with his legs hanging over the side, and texting. 

"So, you've made yourself at home, I see." I laughed, sitting in the love seat a few feet away from the sofa. 

"Yeah.. Your sofa is really comfortable."he said sitting up. "Wow! You got ready really fast." 

"Yeah, it's one of my many secret talents." I got up from my spot on the love seat, and sat down next to Dylan on the sofa. 

"Hey, Cora?" Dylan said, looking at me with hopeful eyes. 

"Yeah?" I ask

"I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I think you're the nicest, sweetest, most beautiful girl I have ever met, and I was wondering." His voice then lost most of its confidence, and he sounded almost scared. It was quite adorable actually. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Yeah. I would love to!" I say, actually meaning all of the excitement I put forth.

I think a boyfriend would be good for me. I need something good in my life, and Dylan just might be that good thing.

His phone began to vibrate on the coffee table that is placed right in front of the sofa. He picked it up and made a disappointed face.

"I have to go, but can I have a rain check? This is extremely important, or I wouldn't be asking." He said with a look of gilt glossing over his eyes. 

"No, it's fine. I should probably check in at work anyway." I say and he smiles. 

"Thank you." He says getting up and kissing me softly on the lips. "I promise I'll find something amazing for us to do another  time. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds lovely, See you later." 

"See ya." He then walked to the door, and left, slightly slamming it behind him. 

 My new boyfriend just ditched me, and it's not even noon. Oh Joy!


"Where the hell have you been!" Kim yells, runing to embrase me in a tight hug, as I walk into the law firm. 

 "I'm so sorry that I've been so M.I.A , I've had a lot of stuff going on recently." I say in my defense, although I'm not sure how well it actually defended me.

"O, So this stuff was too important to tell your best friend about it, right?"

"I said I was sorry, and I was going to tell you all about my new found love life, but-.." I know that Kim absolutely LOVES gossip, and the fact that it has to do with me is what made is seem slightly unfair that I played this card.

"Nope! All is forgiven, now spill!" She says leading me into her office, and closing the door behind us.

"Um...." I say not really sure where to start.

"Well what's his name?" She asks.

"Well, um.. my love life is a bit complicated... My boyfriends name is Dylan."

"And there's another boy?" Kim asks with an overly excited grin.

"His name is Cody, but it's weird. One second he's the sweetest guy, and he makes me happy, and then there are the times when he pisses me off to no end, and I just want to hit him with a fucking He the world's biggest ass hole 50 percent of the time, but the other 50 percent he's absolutely perfect!"

"I'm glad I'm not you." Kim says with a concerned look on her face.

"Thanks for the help Kim. I really appreciate it!" The sarcasm was almost overwhelming in my voice .

"Sorry, but are they at least attractive? What are their last names, I might know them?"

"Oh, Dylan's is Murry, and Cody's is Taylor."

"Shit, do you mean Mr. O'Brien's nephew?" Worry was laced in her words.

"Yeah, Is that bad?"

"Um.. Yeah it is! He's got a really bad reputation. Once I even had to represent him in court for supposedly drug dealing. You really need to stay away from him."

Why didn't he tell me he was fucking arrested! What the hell! Well... I am refusing to tell him about my past, but I mean arrested for dealing drugs!? What!?

"I kind of can't stay away from him..." I say awkwardly.

"And why is that?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because he lives next door to me..."

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