Chapter 3

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 A/N -This story has only been posted for like four days, and already I almost have 50 reads! WOW! My readers are absolutely amazing! Please comment, or Vote! I Love You All! Oh, and I was just wondering, do you guys like the longer chapters, or do you think I should write lots of shorter chapters? I think I might like the longer ones, but I want some other opinions on it. Thanks for being your wonderful selves!



Chapter 3-

Cody's Point of view-

 I'm woken up to the sound of my cell phone blasting out the song If You Can't Hang, by sleeping with sirens. I moan, and sit up in my bed. I look at the clock on my bedside table, four a.m., are you kidding me! This is too damn early for someone to call me. This better be damn important.

"What?!" I grumble into the phone speaker once I answer. I was too tired to look at the caller I.D. so let's hope that this isn't anything important. 

"Is that any way to greet your favorite guy ever?" says the guy on the other line, who's voice I recognize as belonging to one of my best friends, James. 

James is a 6'3" African American guy. He's the kind of guy who would stereotypically speaking, be great at basketball.

"Oh, hey man. Don't take this the wrong way, but why the hell are you calling me at four a.m.?" I ask to tired to not get to the point. 

"sorry about that bro, but I got you a fight tomorrow night. You interested?"

"Well,.." I say wiping the sleep out of my eyes, "Depends on how much is on the line?"

"Does 15,000 sound like a good amount, bro?" James asked, and I can just picture the smug smirk he has on his face.

"Damn man! how did you pull this one together?" I say in utter shock at the amount of money  my friend was able to pull together for me. 

"Well, there are some guys that were hanging out at that fight up in Broward, who said they were looking for a good fighter to put their money on, and I ' Casually recommended' you."

"Damn Man!" 

"I think you mean, 'Thanks James, I love you more than myself, even though that seems impossible'.'' James said in one of the most serious tones I've ever heard him speak in, but that didn't last very long because he broke out laughing like an idiot about ten seconds after he said it. 

"Hey Thanks man." I say sarcastically, "You know, it's really nice knowing I have friends who think I'm a conceded ass hole! It really makes me happy man." 

"No problem. I call 'em as i see 'em." 

"Nice. Now, is that all you had to tell me?" I say hoping I can go back to sleep. 

"No, actually, I was going to invite you to the party that I'm throwing tonight. You could come and have fun, loosen up for the fight tomorrow, you know?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll come." I say hoping to end the conversation soon so I can get some fricken sleep.

"Good, but I'm not goin' to let you in unless you bring a date, and no. before you even ask if you can just meet someone there, the answer is no. Oh, and if she's known for bangin' everyone I'm not lettin' you in either." 

With that he hung up the phone. 

James has had a history of trying to help me find a girl since the day he met his current girlfriend Melissa. Melissa isn't a slut like most of the girls the guys that I hang out with date. So, James thinks i would be nice to find me a 'good girl' who can 'fix me' like apparently Melissa fixed him. 

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