Chapter 6

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A/N- I am so so so so so so so sorry that it took me so long to post this chapter, but I have been SUPER busy, and I haven't had much time to write. Also, I need to apologize for the fact that this, and the prevoius chapter have been so short! I am really trying here though! I will hopefully be posting more regurlary in about a week, or two, because I will be out of camp, and I will have nothing else to do with my time, since my best friend will be in Paris without me!

Sorry for interrupting your chapter, Please Read on...


Chapter 6-

Cora's Point of View-

"Morning sunshine." 

I awoke to someone whispering into my ear.

"Err. It's to damn early for this! Go away!" That was when I turned around an slapped whoever it was in the bed next to me. I lived alone.

"Hey! What was that for!" I turned over, and ended up looking straight into the dazzling eyes of none other than the king of all ass holes himself.

Cody Taylor.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I said through clenched teeth. 

"And that if I don't want to?" Cody said with his world famous smirk.

"Then I'll make you leave. Now get the hell out!"

"Nah." He said putting his arm around me. "I don't really want to. It's nice in here."

I shoved his arm away from me. "I don't give a shit about how nice it is in here! You are a douche bag and I want you OUT!"

It was eight in the morning,  I was slightly hungover, and I remembered everything that he had said to me last night. I think it goes without saying that I didn't want him here. 

"Now why would you want that?" he said pouting, and doing puppy dog eyes. 

"Because you're an ass wipe and I never want to see you again! Especially not in MY apartment! Now, OUT! Before I call the police, and so help me I will call the police!"

"What did I ever do to you to make you dislike me so much?" He asked nonchalantly.

I studied his face for a minute, and discovered that he showed no signs of sarcasm or joking.

I scoff. "You really don't remember last night do you? Figures, you're an ass hole subconsciously as well as consciously." 

"Oh shit, what did I do this time?" 

"That's for you to remember. NOW GET OUT!" 

To my surprise, he got up and left my room without another word. I waited for the sound of my front door shutting before I got out of bed, and slowly made my way to the kitchen. 

I never thought that I would look back to when I was sixteen, and constantly drinking alcohol, and be thankful. Yes, I was almost like a teenage alcoholic, but I'm better now. Well, as much better as I possibly could be. I don't get drunk very easily, and I barely have hangovers. 

Who would have thought that there were any possible perks to drinking. 

Well, being an ass, and doing things that you'll most likely regret in the morning aren't perks, but not getting bad hangovers are extremely helpful on days like these.

I walked over to the refrigerator, and pulled out a small bottle of orange juice. 

I decided that I want today to be a lazy day, so I plopped onto the couch, and turned on the Vampire Diaries. Yup. This is the life.

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