Chapter 15

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A/N- How are you guys liking that I am updating on a regular basis? I know I am so proud of myself for it! I wanted to inform you all that I am now working on a new story, with a good friend of mine, @Singerthatwritesbook . She is an awesome writter, so I think our stories are going to be absolutely EPIC! Lol! I don't think that the new story will effect how often I will be posting, or my story quality, since I am not writing it alone! Also, I would really, really appreciate it if you would please VOTE, and COMMENT your opinion on this story! It woud mean the world to me, and I really want this story to get into the rankings. I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry for waisting your time with this authors note, although most of my readers just skip over the Authors notes. Please give me feedback! I just need to know what you are thinking, since I'm not magical (although I wish I were), So I can't read your minds.





Everyone Leaves

Chapter 15-

We made it to the hospital in impeccable time, but I wasn't too excited about that.

Cody was sat in the driver seat and I in the passengers. He put his hand on my thigh in an attempt to call me down but it really wasn't working.

" He'll understand don't worry about him." Cody didn't have to say his name for me to understand that he was referring to Dylan.

"Alright." I said, but internally I was worried out of my mind.

I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life! well, I mean I have, but not about something like this.

I could break his heart! And I'm breaking up with him right as he's being released from the hospital. I am a world class bitch. It's official!

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and my heart immediately stopped.

Well not literally stopped but you know what I mean.

" are you sure you can do this?" Cody asked me, Pulling into the first thought he could find.

" No." I answered truthfully. "But If I want to be with you I have to."

Great now I sound like the worlds biggest cheese ball! Fml!!

He didn't respond he just turned and opened his door.

Well if there was a time for me to chicken out Now is as great as any.

But I can't check in out I have to do this its just wrong for me to be with someone who I don't want to be with anymore.

not only am I the world's cheesiest person but I'm also the biggest whack job, internally debating over whether to break up with someone who she doesn't like. Maybe if I get through all of this I should get some therapy,or at least counseling.

To my surprise, Cody came over and opened the car door for me.

He really can be so sweet when he wants to be. 

" Thanks." was all I was able to say without pretty much breaking down.  

I'm really not one to start dram,a and I really don't want to get any ones feelings hurt, so you can probably tell by the way that I'm acting that I really am not into this.

To be completely honest, if I didn't like Cody as much as I do I probably wouldn't be doing this right now.

I stepped out of the car and slowly but surely made my way to this front of the hospital.

I was freaking out but it's good to know that I had Cody there to help me because without him I probably would've passed out before I even made it there.

I guess there are perks to the situation. well not really...

we walked through the doors and I immediately noticed that anyone under the age of 25 heads turned to face Cody and I.

Great more Cody Taylor fans! (please note the sarcasm)

"Hello!" I kindly said to the lady who was working at the front desk. "we are here to see Dylan Murray."

"I remember you from the other day, you're his girlfriend right?" the seemingly nice receptionist said, causing Cody to move closer to me and squeeze my hand tighter.

" um... technically yes." that was the only response that I could think of that wasn't a lie, and that wouldn't hurt Cody feelings.

" well I hope everything works out between you two, you are cute together."

And That's when Cody lost it.

"Just tell us where his damn room is!?"

"Calm down hot head! His room is down that hall." She said pointing to a hallway to her left. "He's room 43. It's on the right side." 

"Thank you!" I said sweetly smiling, and leading Cody down the hall. 

"She was a bitch." Cody mumbled to himself, but loud enough for me to hear. 

"Oh calm down hot head." I said remembering what the receptionist had called him. 

"Oh! Not you too!" He said jokingly. "And to think. I was going to invite you over after this, but if your going to call me things like hot head, I'm not going too." 

"Babe you know I'm irresistible! You'll take me home no matter what." I say jokingly, biting my bottom lip. 


"Yes. Babe. You like me, I like you. That automatically gives me the right to call you babe. And you call me Princess, and Cors, so I think you can survive with being called babe." 

I was then pushed up against a wall, with Cody in front of me. 

"You know princess.." He said sexily into my ear, sending tingles throughout my body. "You talk you much." 

"Oh, then maybe we should find something else to do with my lips?" I say, puling his face closer to mine. 

Just as our lips were about to touch, there was a cough that came from behind Cody. 

"You know, Anton's been telling me that you guys have a thing, but I didn't believe him. Now I see I should have." I had my eyes closed, but I could recognize Dylan's voice. 

"Oh my Gosh, Dylan.. I'm sorry. I-" My explanation was cut short. 

"No. I don't want an excuse, or a story, I just saw my supposed girlfriend inches away from my best friend, I want the truth. Do you want to be with Cody?" Dylan didn't fail to get straight to the point, which I was actually very thankful for. 

"Honestly. I do. I really care about him." I said, in a loud whisper, (If that makes any sense to you)

"Do you care about her bro?" Dylan said looking to Cody. 

"I do bro.  I don't know why, but I really do. And You know that I wouldn't say that if I weren't being serious." 

My heart fluttered, and I wanted to pull him to me, and kiss him. 

"Then I think you should be together. You both deserve to be happy, and I'm just in the way. Sorry guys, and Cora, I'm sorry about what I said. I don't know what got into me."

My heart then sank with guilt. He looks absolutely crushed, and It's all my fault. I not only cheated on him, but I did it because I like his best friend. Let me just repeat that I am I world class bitch. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked. 

"Yes. I am, but I know it's what you want. I can call Anthony to pick me up. I'll see you guys later." With that Dylan turned back to his room, and closed the door behind him. 

I thought that once I was able to be with Cody, I would be relieved and happy. 

Why do I feel like I had just made the worst decision of my life?

Or am I just over reacting, because I feel guilty? 

Shit! I don't think my indecisiveness is a good sign.

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