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 I woke up anxious today. Maya gets out of the hospital, and she doesn't know that the Matthews family is letting her stay with them. 

I've spent the last three weeks working to make her new bedroom perfect. Riley and I were the decorating managers. Deciding what colors Maya would want, how she would have it decorated. 

I had to give her everything she would want in this one room. She finally had a family, but it was taken away from her. I'm just lucky to still have her in my life. 

I'm broken out of my reverie as the bell rings for first period. Having to sit in school is pure torture. Mr. Matthews is still here, and he's teaching our history lesson. 

If he's still here, who's getting Maya? I would have thought we would have had a substitute today. As soon as the bell rings, I go up to him. We can not leave Maya alone in that dreaded hospital until three o'clock when school ends. 

"Mr. Matthews, how come you're still here? Aren't you supposed to be getting Maya? Is Topanga getting her? We can't just leave her there, she doesn't know she's staying with you and your family sir, and I don't want her to feel like she got left and doesn't have any family." 

"I know Lucas. I promise I'll be there for her. But I couldn't find a substitute for-"

"So then what are we going to do?! She can't be left! I will go pick her up if you won't-"

"You didn't let me finish. I couldn't find a substitute for the first two periods. I did find one for the rest of the day though, and that will still give me plenty of time to pick up Maya and get her some new things. I know that because of the wedding Maya didn't get any new school clothes. I was planning to take her out to lunch, and go shopping."

"Oh. Well thank you sir. I'm sorry for getting mad at you."

"It's okay Lucas. I know you're just looking out for her. You might not believe me, but you're really good for Maya. You balance each other out."

"Thank you sir." 

I hear the bell ring, and my eyes widen. The students for next period are gathered by the door which locks automatically. Mr. Matthews usually opens it at the end of each class, but my talking has stopped that. 

"Shoot! I need to go!"

"Wait, you'll be tardy if you show up without a note. Let me hurry and write one for you." Writing quickly, he hands me a piece paper.

"Thank you."

"Of course Lucas. 

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