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 I'm eating lunch, and making small talk when a man walks into the restaurant. A man I've never seen before, yet he looks so familiar, and I feel like I should know who he is. He walks up to the table, and I quickly look away. I can feel in my stomach th at something major is about to change, and I don't like it. 

He clears his throat and begins to speak. "Excuse me, are you Maya Hart?" How does he know my name? Slowly, I turn to look at him. He looks so familiar and it's bugging me that I don't know who he is. "I am. Who are you?" He takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb. He looks me directly in the eye and says, "Maya. I am your father."

 A thousand thoughts rush through my head, and the room starts spinning. Is it really him? Why is he here? He's back. I thought he died. Why did he leave? How is he here? Why did he come back? Did he kill my mom and Shawn? How does he know where I am? What is he going to do to me?

"Maya, can I speak to you alone?" He asks, breaking me out of my reverie. I nod,standing up. We go to a quiet corner of the restaurant then stop. I turn to look at him, and cross my arms, giving him my best stink eye.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to New York to find you, and bring my baby girl home."

"I won't go with you. You left me. Why try to be in my life now?"

"I know I left honey. But I've changed. I heard about your mom and step dad, and it made me realize that I'm not the father to you that I should have been."

"Well it's too late. I have a new family now."

"So do I. Maya I know how you always wanted a brother or sister. Now you do."

"No I don't. Even if I did go with you, they wouldn't be related to me."

"Yes they would."

"How?" I ask. He looks guilty. And looks at me very solemnly. 

"Maya. I cheated on my wife with your mom. She found out one day, and well. That's why I left. But I have changed. I went to counseling, and we spent three years trying to find you. Because i love you Maya. You do have siblings. Half siblings. Two older brothers and an older sister. You would have a mom again. You would have a family. Please come with me."

"How do I know that it's not a trap. I don't even know where you live!"

"I live in Florida. How bout this. Just take the weekend to see the place, then come back to New York. I'll buy your ticket down and back. But I leave on Friday. That gives you today and tomorrow to decide if you would like to spend the weekend with me. I'll let you go back to your friends, but just think about it for me. Here's my number if you want to come. See you soon Maya." He walks away, leaving me with a piece of paper. 

I walk back to the table, letting the information sink in. I have a family. I always have. But he cheated on my mom. Did he really change? Can I trust him? Does he love me like he said he did. Should I go with him? A million questions that I have no answer to.

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