Chapter 34: Power to the People

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"Ugh, another leak!?" Elizabeth wiped away the water that had splashed near her eye. Cursing, she swung the wrench she was carrying over her shoulder and proceeded up the metal staircase where the old iron pipes above were constantly dripping. 

Henry walked into the room with a chuckle. He could here her profanity from the other side of the walls. "Plumbing got you down, Liz?"

Elizabeth grunted as she clamped her wrench onto one of the many worn nuts, attempting to tighten the seals."There's beginnings of corrosion on the inside of these. They're just tin, not like the regular brass ones in the districts higher up in the city. Can you pass me the rivet gun?"

Henry walked over to the large tool resting against the wall. Picking it up with both hands he jumped with a startled gasp as the rivet gun began to float up and away from him. He gazed at the flying instrument, following the rivet guns ghostly path as it  gently levitated up the stairs and into the waiting grasp of the telepathic girl. 

Thanks Hank!" she winked, turning back to her work. 

He shook his head with a smile. Henry never got used to her plasmids, but he had to admit they were incredibly useful. Especially in their line of work. 

It was September now, of 1958. Things had been getting a little tense around Rapture. Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine had been constantly at each others throats. Ryan continued to accuse Fontaine of working with smugglers from the surface, and for numerous other criminal activities. Fontaine on the other hand had been rallying people against Ryan and his philosophies about Rapture. There were rumors he was building an army to overthrow the founder of the city. In all honesty, if Henry had to bet, he'd put it all on Fontaine to win. The man had accumulated incredible amounts of ADAM over the months. No small part to the Little Sisters. Building poor houses and orphanages had increased his popularity with the people, and where others didn't praise him they certainly feared him. He had power and everybody wanted a slice of it. As for Henry, he left Fontaine Futuristics a couple months ago to avoid the political conflicts. Now he worked as a freelance mechanic and electrical engineer. Elizabeth had decided to join him, she mostly worked maintenance. But her electrical and repair skills were close to surpassing even Henry's. 

The sound of the rivet gun firing echoed across the room. Elizabeth sighed, wiping the beaded sweat on her forehead with a bandana. "Alright, I think we're done here." Making her way down the stairs she stumbled on the last step, falling to her knees as a wave of exhaustion overcame her entire body. 

"Liz, you okay!?" Henry rushed to her side. 

She waved a hand at him. "It's...I'm fine...just feeling a little low. Look for an EVE hypo in my bag."

As more and more people began to splice up, scientists and doctors found that the extended use of plasmids took a toll on peoples bodies. As such many became incredibly exhausted, barely able to function properly. So the invention of EVE came into effect. A type of serum that boosted ones energy output, enabling the continued use of plasmids without crashing. However, the boost was only temporary. Each time a person used their genetic powers, the more they would be drained. Eventually doctors began prescribing EVE to anyone who had spliced themselves with a plasmid. 

Henry moved over to her leather rucksack and sifted through the contents. Pulling out the EVE labeled syringe filled with blue fluid, he popped the protective covering and returned to Elizabeth. "Here, give me your arm."

She held out her left hand as Henry rolled up her sleeve. Finding the vein he carefully administered the needle into her skin. Pressing down on the reel, they watched as the blue liquid disappeared into her body. 

Elizabeth sighed with relief, seeming to perk up right away. "Much better...thanks." 

"You should take it easy on the plasmids." he said sternly.

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