Chapter 24: Titan

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"Gah, what the fuck doc, that hurts!" 

The small man sitting in the corner of the room took in a long draw from his cigar. He smiled, letting the smoke seep through his yellow teeth. "Doctor Suchong, he is my most prized fighter, do be careful now."

Suchong slowly retracted the long syringe from the giant man's arm. He scowled. "Forgive me, but I cannot help if this lumbering gorilla is a little infant when it comes to my smallest needles!"

The massive man grunted and pushed his way off the table, almost knocking Suchong over.

The small man chuckled. "Behave yourself Hubert, the kind doctor has offered his most valuable services to us for a modest fee, I would hate to spoil the agreement from your poor actions."

The large man nodded slowly. "So what's this stuff supposed to do anyways?"

Suchong sighed. "For the thirty-seventh time, it's a steroid that accelerates joint and muscle density. It will genuinely make you faster and stronger."

The big man scratched his head and shrugged. Hubert Yves was not the smartest man in Rapture but he sure was one of the strongest. Growing up in the slums of New York as a gang enforcer wasn't the most luxurious life but he got by all the same. Now here he was down in Rapture working for Rex Manzano. Rex was almost into his sixties but his streak as one of the most notorious mob bosses was well known on the surface. In Rapture he decided to start up a new gang. He'd had dealings in with Frank Fontaine before but these bare-knuckle boxing fights were amongst Rex's  favourite get-togethers. However, this time it wasn't so fun. Rex had lost two of his top fighters to Fontaine's Alabama Bruiser and decided he'd had enough. He had come to Dr. Suchong in hopes of  giving his top fighter an edge over the competition tonight. For a fair price of ADAM, Suchong had agreed to inject Hubert with a gene-tonic that would allow him to crush any fighter. 

Rex watched as Suchong injected the final dosage into Hubert.

"Now you may feel a tightness in your chest as well as a small burning sensation in your joints. It will only be temporary." the doctor said non-chalantly.

Hubert breathed deeply and waited for several moments. Nothing happened for quite a while. 

"Doc, you sure this stuff is gonna wor-g-g-AHHH!" 

Rex leaned forward in his chair, startled by the sudden outburst.

Suchong lifted a hand for him to relax. "The tonic is working."

Hubert fell to his knees. The pain was intense. It shot up through his body, shocking his muscles. It felt as if every inch of him was on fire. "W...what the...hell did to me!?" the massive man roared.

Suchong showed a small smile. "Be thankful." he said simply.

Rex stared in awe at Hubert's transformation. His body was bubbling and pulsating. First his arms swelled with muscle, then his legs, feet, hands, chest and even his neck. Hubert was on all fours breathing heavily.

"Watch this." Suchong said as he grabbed a brick from behind his medical table. He threw it at the downed man with all his force. Rex thought for sure the brick would collide with Hubert's head but to his astonishment he had caught it. Head still down the big man had lashed out and grabbed the brick with lightning speed. A split second later he crushed the brick with his bare hand. He stood up. Now twice the size he was before, Hubert stood at seven feet tall, brimming with massive, knotted muscles.

Rex's cigar fell out of his mouth. He stood up wearing a yellow-stained grin. Stories of the renown substance called ADAM was vast and popular through Rapture. The old mobster had never thought much of it at first, but now he was witnessing its true potential. "Absolutely magnificent." he whispered. "How do you feel?"

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