Chapter 19: Coolant Tanks and Prostitutes

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Henry sat in the Timmin's Diner talking to Louis about his trip to the orphanage.

"Damn Hank, these girls must be somethin' special for you to be layin' down ten thousand big ones on em!" 

Henry stared blanky at the counter. "They're orphans Louis, they only have each other as family and I don't care if I have to move mountains, I'm getting that money and I'm going to adopt both of them."

Louis chuckled. "Well it's seems like you got your mind set, more power to ya brother."

Henry nodded appreciatively. "They deserve a good life. They deserve a family." He looked at the clock on the wall. "Fifteen minutes to working hour, I'll catch ya later Louis, thanks for another great breakfast." He finished his pancakes, slapped some bills on the counter and made his way to the door.

The bathysphere ride was long and boring. Henry had gotten used to beeing underwater and looking out to see the massive buildings that made up Rapture. Most of the time he never got to stay and enjoy the scenery. He was always preoccupied with his work. Always working. Every year the work hours increased, and every year his salary decreased. Many small businesses were converting over to Ryan Industries, most people didn't mind losing ownership of their business. As long as they got a good cut of the income they usually kept their mouths shut. 

"Ryan isn't just a big player in the industrial market, he's become the fucking King of Industry." Henry thought angrily. "All he had to do was just persuade a couple idiots with money and boom he's got  Rapture in the palm of his hand. C'mon Hank, pull yourself together, things may look down in the dumps but these things straighten out sooner or later right?" Henry wasn't so sure he even believed himself but it was all he could do for now. The bathysphere rose up into the station of Hephaestus. The doors slid open and the workers poured out one by one. Henry walked through the doors of Hephaestus and punched in. While he walked to his station he returned nods and greetings from his fellow engineers and electricians. Over the three years Henry had done a phenominal job keeping Hephaestus in peak condition as well as efficient and smart ways of improving the technology of Rapture. Kyburz even promoted him to Chief Engineer of Hephaestus. Henry had his own crew that he worked with but had done many jobs around Rapture with almost everyone from Hephaestus. Henry walked into his office. It was big compared to some of the other rooms in Hephaestus. As Henry walked over to his desk the sound of his steel-toed boots on the hard wood floor echoed. He opened up the top drawer on his desk taking out an old leather toolbelt and several tools along with it. He fastened the belt to his waist and slipped each tool into the proper holster. Finally, Henry reached for his two way radio. Ryan utilized Henry's invention in almost all the industrial work houses of Rapture. It was a terrific way to communicate and cheap to make. Henry stared at the radio for sometime. He thought of his past life on the surface. "Sometimes I miss that old house." he thought. The office doors slid open. A man walked in with a big smile on his face. "Hey Chief, good morning!" he said cheerfully.

Henry looked up at the man and smiled. "Morning Pablo, you seem happy today. What's the occasion?"

Pablo chuckled at the remark. "What, a man can't be happy on a day like today!?"

Henry shrugged. " Seems just like any other day to me. Are they giving us a raise?"

Pablo snorted. "Don't be a smart ass Hank, you know that ain't ever gonna happen. But I got news from Kyburz. He said if we fixed up the coolant tanks over in the main pipe junction we could get an early leave!"

Henry was a little surprised. "Well that's generous of him, we just need to fix the coolant tanks, with the two of us that'll take at the most fifteen minutes."

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