Chapter 10: An Unforgettable Birthday

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Over the week, Henry and Elizabeth worked for endless hours building the miniature helmet radios that would be used for the construction of Rapture. Henry tinkered with the radio prototype, he made the radios receive less static and the clearest communication possible. Elizabeth was also an enormous help to the production of the new radio models. She had sorted the various parts needed to build the radios into neat, separate piles. It was much easier for Henry to find what he needed when he needed it. Thanks to Elizabeth's organization skills, radio production had doubled. They made six to eight radios a day. During their time together Henry would tell Elizabeth of some of his inventions he had made, and how the government had cheated him. He also told her of how he used to be a bare-knuckle boxer. She didn't believe him at first but he showed her how his nose was oddly bent and his bruised knuckles. She became fascinated with his tales of how he became the Alabama Bruiser. Elizabeth also had stories to tell. She told Henry of how she had travelled all over the world with her parents and her German nanny Helga. Henry shuddered at the thought of Helga which made Elizabeth laugh. She also told him of how she never really had any friends because she was always travelling. And how her parents had very little time for her as they explored the world, Elizabeth never thought there would be much excitement on the ship while her parents were patrolling the bottom of the ocean, but she had enjoyed this week with Henry immensely.

Today was Saturday, the last day of the week. With the help of Elizabeth, Henry had completed his assignment, he had made fifty miniature radios, prepared and tested them all, communications were running smoothly. Simon and Daniel had already created many of the city's blueprints and outlines. Henry was amazed that they managed to finish so much in one month, of course, he couldn't believe he had created his radios in that time. Today was the day Elizabeth's parents, as well as the other deep-sea welders, began construction on the bedrock. Massive lifts had been deployed at the bottom of the bedrock and fixed to the top of the ship for easy access when moving materials and divers. Everyone was excited for today. Today they began the construction of Rapture. The welders needed complete communication between each other and Henry was going to deliver the goods. Henry had also been notified by Shawn and Mary that it was Elizabeth's birthday today. Henry had stayed up all night building the portable radio that he had promised her. It had been a great week, and Henry hoped once Rapture was built, he would see more of Elizabeth.

Henry looked out his window, the sunlight brimmed over the horizon. Henry yawned and sat back in his seat. He looked at the finished product in front of him. He smiled. He knew Elizabeth would like it. She was so fascinated with the radios. He wouldn't be surprised if she became an engineer one day.

The relay box crackled as a voice spoke. "Good morning Hank!" It was Elizabeth. She had been so excited to help Henry with his radios, she always was up an hour earlier, ready to start the new day. Henry chuckled as he walked over to the coffee table and sat down on the couch. He always left the relay box on, it had more than enough power to keep itself running. He left it on so Elizabeth could contact him whenever she needed to. Which was pretty much every day. Henry put on the headset and turned one of the knobs on the relay box. "Hello Liz, up earlier than usual today? Whats the occasion?" Henry said "It's a special day today Hank, can you guess why it's so special?" Elizabeth said excitedly. Henry thought, "Hmm, well it is Saturday." He heard Elizabeth laugh. "Yea it's Saturday but that's not why it's so special, guess again!" she teased. Henry scratched his head, "Well, don't your parents begin construction on Rapture today?" He heard her sigh. "Yea, but that's no big deal! Alright, I'll give you one more guess!" she said. Henry paused for dramatic effect, as far as Elizabeth knew, she thought he didn't know it was her birthday. "Happy birthday kiddo!" Henry exclaimed. The radio had gone silent. "H..How did you know it was my birthday today!?" said Elizabeth. Henry smiled, "Lucky guess?" Henry heard her laughing. "Yea right, my parents probably told you, busted!" Henry chuckled. "Alright, you caught me. So, you coming to get your present or what?" Elizabeth gasped. "You mean I can come over now!?" Henry laughed. "Your awake already and if it's alright with your parents, then come on over!" Henry heard Elizabeth squeal with delight. He heard her talking to her parents. The radio crackled. "I'm on my way Hank!" Elizabeth said excitedly. Henry smiled. "Alright, get over here, I haven't got all day!"

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