Chapter 35: Inferno

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"Hurry up or we're going to be late!" Henry called up the staircase. He checked his watch again. "Quarter to eight, by the time we get there they'll be done popping the champagne!"

The end of December had arrived. Since seasons were non existent down in Rapture it was hard to tell down at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. The months had become a blur. The city was in turmoil. With the death of Fontaine, Andrew Ryan had complete control over Fontaine Futuristics and seized all other of the deceased man's businesses. With so much influence in the city, Ryan locked up all of Fontaine's followers and arrested anyone who was thought to have been involved in his smuggling ring. Security checkpoints were placed all over Rapture in the major hubs. Cameras and turrets were stationed along the streets. When riots broke out, Ryan issued a death penalty. Convicted criminals and smugglers were hanged near Apollo Square as warnings. The founder of Rapture had become something of a tyrant. Many people thought this way. One person had decided to rise up in the name of the people. He went by the name of Atlas. A mysterious man who was rarely seen. But his propaganda was everywhere. He continued to challenge Ryan and his ideals. With this defiance it didn't take long for him to end up in one of the Apollo Square prison camps. But Atlas had the support of the people. His "bandits", as they were portrayed, continued to harass Ryan's forces even though their leader was imprisoned. But with all that happening here Henry was, dressed in a dapper tuxedo, ready to go out for the night. The swanky Kashmir Restaurant was hosting a big New Years Eve party, he had received the invitation in the mail a week ago. 

"You know what their going to say if we're late..." Henry's voice trailed off as he watched a woman appear at the top of the steps. Slender and sultry, she was wearing a silky black dress. The dark fabric went well in contrast with her smooth, pale skin. The siren made her way down the stairs, smiling slyly at Henry.

"They will say to not stare at people with your mouth hanging open." Annabelle tapped his chin, bringing him back from his stupor. 

"How did a guy like me end up with something is as beautiful as you?"

"Perhaps I'm just here for your success, or maybe it was since Steinman fixed that nose, or maybe-" Her teasing was cut off as Henry wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her in for a kiss. As their lips parted she sighed with a smile. "Ah, now I remember."

"Right, now we've really got to get going!"

While they cruised along the water currents in the bathysphere Henry's thoughts wandered to Elizabeth and Jenny. Many major parts of Rapture had succumbed to numerous leaks. The irrigation systems in Arcadia were on the verge of bursting, and were hiring any and all to help repair the pipes. The pay was top tier, something Elizabeth didn't want to pass up. So tonight she was working overtime. Jenny on the other hand was with Louis for the evening. The fry cook had picked her up after school. She would eat well tonight. 

The bathysphere ascended, breaking the water barrier. The door swung open and people poured out of the submersible. All of them were dressed for the New Years Eve party. A lineup began to form near the two elevators as people attempted to cram into them. Henry and Annabelle, along with a group of other sensible people, chose to use the stairs. As they neared the entrance to the restaurant, two waiters were positioned on either sides of the doorway. The man on the left handed Henry a black mask, while the man on the right gave a white one to Annabelle. His mask was that of a bird, with a long beak, and sculpted feathers around the crown of the head. Henry looked around at the others who had already put their masks on. He stretched the band behind the mask and fitted the apparel to his face. The plastic felt cold on his face but surprisingly comfortable. Henry felt a tap on his shoulder. Spinning around he saw Annabelle had put her mask on as well. A spider web was intricately woven into it with a glass jewel set in the middle just above her eyes. 

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