Chapter 18: Change

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"Well, what if we connect the main wire circuit to the amplifier to maximize the range?" said Gil.

Henry thought for a moment. He shook his head slowly. "We could, but then we would be having waves of static interfere with the radio transmissions every ten to fifteen seconds. We would need to undo the entire wire board inside to extend the range of the radio."

Gils sighed deeply. "Well I guess we better get to it then, Mr. Ryan will be wanting this done tonight."

Henry nodded slowly. Andrew Ryan had wanted a lot of things now a days.

Three years had passed since Henry decided to take up Ryan on his offer of partnership, working with Gil to create an extensive and elaborate conjuration of a plethora of different technological wonders, devices and inventions. Throughout the past two years Rapture had changed considerably. The great underwater city had expanded almost to twice the size of what it was before. New buildings were created and an entire metro way had been built with the help of a specialized team of engineers and welders, which was lead and supervised by Henry, Jacob Norris, Simon and Daniel Wales and Bill Mcdonagh who Henry had befriended. Mcdonagh was a secret contractor of Ryan's personal group and had created hundreds of blueprints for Rapture. Ryan had become incredibly rich and powerful in his rise through the market and established Ryan Industries. Henry had been working in Hephaestus daily while at night he would join Gil in his secret workshop back in his apartment, coming up with new ideas for inventions that would be useful to Ryan and Rapture. Together they had created several devices that changed the way Rapture operated. Vending machines for food and first-aid supplies had been built by the hundreds and placed all over the city. Faster bathyspheres by attaching rotating propellers to the bottom of each sphere made transportation much quicker. An entire, robotic security system that aided the Rapture Authorities in keeping order. Turrets and bots were located at each security checkpoint and police station. There had been hundreds of new people that had appeared in Rapture of the two years and unfortunately crime had made itself known in Rapture. To combat this "threat of the parasite" as Andrew Ryan called it, he demanded that security be vigilant and aware at anytime, Henry and Gil made every bot relentless in hunting the criminals and reluctantly made each bot go for the kill shot. The bots were a small flying robot like device that fired a repeated barrage of machine gun rounds at the enemy, the turrets were basically the same except stationary and had a flamethrower variant as well as a rare rocket type that had yet to be used in the field.  Their most proud achievement had to be the pneumo tube. It's main base operated in Neptune's Bounty and expanded out into hundreds of small, metal tubes that stretched throughout Rapture. It was the fastest way to send letters and packages across all locations in Rapture. In made peoples lives quite simplistic and easier as each pneumo was installed inside the households, offices and workplaces of Rapture. Thanks to Henry and Gil, Ryan Industries had truly flourished. Now the two men were working tirelessly to perfect Henry's two way radio transmission device, except this time the number of radios that could hear and respond was unlimited. The only problem was the increase in transmission range.

"This better pay well." Henry grumbled.

Gil looked at his friend, a tired expression on his face. He nodded in agreement. "I'm sure Mr. Ryan will be sending his checks to use through the pneumo as we speak, who knows, maybe it will even be full pay-"

Henry snorted. "As if, face the truth Gil, Ryan has been promising each week that our full payment will either be sent to us directly through pneumo or will be deposited in our bank accounts and yet he's come up short on every single god damn payment!" 

Gil's face began to sweat a little and he looked nervous. "Now let's not get too hasty with our conclusions Henry, maybe there was a problem with one of the pneumo tubes, or the bank is holding our checks, or maybe-"

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