Chapter 17: A Wonderful Day

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Henry walked into Hephaestus. Today was his first day of working in Rapture. He definitely saw a major change in the city's activity. There were hundreds of people bustling around the city, running every which way, trying to get the location of their workplaces. He had come on a bathysphere crowded with other workers and engineers, ready to start their first days of work as well. Henry stood in amazement at the incredible industrious workplace. Engineers were already away clanking and fitting pipes with their screwdrivers and wrenches. Henry walked into the middle of the room of workers, his boots clanked on the steel floor. He was dressed in his engineer attire and was instructed to wait for his supervisor to give him his first assignment. Henry looked out the corner of his eye and saw a man walking towards him. He immediately turned to see that this man stood out from the others quite easily. Henry looked at the man head to toe. He had a square head with peering dark eyes and thinning hair. He also wore casual, brown slacks with a cream vest. 

"Ah, Mr. Walker I presume?" the man said with an Australian accent.

Henry nodded. "I am, pleased to meet you Mr..."

"Kyburz" the man said pleasantly. "I'm the supervisor of Hephaestus and I'll be giving you all your daily tasks and assignments while you're employed here."

Henry smiled and shook Kyburz' hand. "Pleasure to meet you sir, so what's on the agenda for today?"

Kyburz smiled. "Right to the point, I like that Mr. Walker. We're currently installing the last of the coolant pipes around Hephaestus, and the electrical wiring needs to be hooked up to the circuit-board for us to maintain substantial power currents. Why don't you help these boys here with the last of the pipes and then we'll go over to the other side of Hephaestus and get that circuit-board up and running, alright?" 

"You got it sir!" Henry said happily and began making his way over to two young men having difficulty lifting a large pipe.

"Oh and Henry, call me Kyburz, alright mate?" he called out.

Henry smiled and waved in confirmation, he was going to like working here.

"Alright men let's get these crates up to the fifth docking point, c'mon, move it!" Peach grumbled happily.

The men moved with precision and speed, heaving the crates and walking in long powerful strides across the docks to get the shipments to their appointed locations. Peach was certainly impressed. Most of his men would be groaning and complaining every step they took, but Andrew Ryan had hired a new crew of men, under Peach's charge, to work in Neptune's Bounty. 

Peach breathed in deep breath and let out a long satisfying sigh as he embraced the salty air and the dampness of the docks. "Good work men, only a few more to go!" He couldn't believe how fast and efficient his new crew was. They worked without complaint and without question, eagerly awaiting their next task. It made Peach almost want to cry with joy. The last of his men loaded the final crate onto the docking station that would send supplies to Fort Frolic. "Alright men that's the last of em, let's get down to the freezers and finish guttin' those fish, soon as were done there we're off to the Fighting Mcdonagh's Tavern!" Peach said happily. The men cheered in unison and quickened their pace, eager to get a stiff drink in them. The Wharf-master smiled wide. "Not bad for a first day!"

"Dr. Steinman, your first patient is on her way to surgery." a nurses voice echoed on the PA system. Steinman stood in the surgical wing, bright lights shone onto the chair of which his first patient would lie down on. He would then begin his fantastical art of plastic surgery, fixing whatever needed to be fixed. If it was something broken Steinman would fix it in two heart-beats. If it was something grotesque or unhealthy Steinman would purge it. If it was something truly ugly he would make it into a spectacle of pure beauty. As he washed his hands his two assistants brought over the trays of surgical tools he would use to conduct his beautiful work. He felt in his natural environment once again. He stood prim and proper in his white surgeon outfit, his gloves black and professional. The automatic doors swung open to reveal a pretty, young woman with a petite body and a small, heart-shaped face but with an abnormally large nose. Steinman could already see what the girl had come to change, and new exactly what she would ask for. He had done this procedure nearly a thousand times on the surface.

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