Chapter 38: Separated

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It flashed a red hue. There was no telling what was up or down. Damp and sore was all that could be felt. The color of red grew strong once more. And then faded into darkness. A sudden burst of static broke the confusion. 

"Zzzt...hello....iszzzt...answer!" a voice echoed between the interference.

Elizabeth opened her eyes slowly. Everything was still a blur, but she could make out the pulsing red light attached to the ceiling. A wave of nausea rushed to her head, lurching over she choked out a mouthful of salt water. As the haze of sickness disappeared she tried to regain her thoughts. Henry, Annabelle and her had been walking through the tunnels when the building in front of them collapsed. She remembered frantic running, Henry shouting, and then a jet of ocean water swept them away.

"Hello...crzzzt...anyone.....reponzzzzt!" the voice sounded off again. 

Elizabeth shook off the last of the daze. "That's Anna's voice, where is it..." then she gasped. 

Reaching around her belt she unlatched the radio hanging from her waist. "Anna, can you hear me!?"

The radio crackled with white noise. "Elizabeth...crsshsh...where arshzzzz..."

She was barely able to hear anything with the interference. Elizabeth detached the back panel of the radio, her tonic activating as she scanned the damaged parts. Her fingers worked diligently as she broke down pieces, making new parts out of the fried components. Sealing the radio up she turned the left dial, increasing the frequency's strength. 

"Elizabeth, are you there!?" Annabelle called out desperately.

"I'm here, Anna." she said breathing heavily, still trying to catch her breath.

"Oh thank God. Where are you?" 

Elizabeth glanced around the area, she hadn't even thought to take in her surroundings. The thick steel door had been sealed shut behind her, a small puddle forming along the floor where the water was trying to seep through. On the other side was a staircase of concrete steps leading up to a long hallway. The wall to her left showed an advertisement for Sir Prize casino. Two slot machines sat next to it. She knew of only one place that had those.

"I'm in a side passage to Fort Frolic."

Annabelle's voiced crackled over the radio. "I seem to be on the East side, next to the Sinclair Deluxe. Have you heard anything from Henry?"

Panic filled up inside her. "'re the first I've heard from..."

There was silence between them for a while. 

"Now is not the time to be thinking of such thoughts. We are separated across Rapture, as far as I know. Fort Frolic is locked down. I do not know how you got in but we will need to find another place to meet."

Elizabeth inhaled, calming her senses. "You're right. Let's focus on finding each other first. Do you think you can get to Arcadia?"

" at...crshhhh..." Annabelle's voice broke off as the radio filled again with static interference.

"Hello? Anna are you there? If can here me, meet at Arcadia!"

The radio continued to buzz with white noise. 


Static was all that came through. Elizabeth holstered the radio, keeping the tuning at max. She was about to ascend the stairs something caught her eye. Turning her head she couldn't help but smile. Lying on the drenched floor was her monkey wrench. She had a feeling it would come in handy. Gripping the tool she slung it over her shoulder and made her way up the concrete steps.

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