Chapter 21: Fontaine

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"La Rose Noire!?" Louis cried.

Henry nodded slowly. 

"An' you were right up in the center front stage booth too!?

He continued to nod.

"Damn Hank, now how da' hell did you manage to get the booth hmm?"

Henry put his coffee down, smacked his lips and smiled. "It's all about who you know Louis. Or in this case, who you are." he laughed.

Louis chuckled. "Well that's it then huh? You saw her, an' now you've fallen in love." 

Henry furrowed his brow. "In love? What're you getting at?" 

Louis let out a big belly laugh. "Oh-ho, now don't be playin' that game with me! Ol' Louis knows when somebody been bit by the love-bug, an' you Hank have most certainly been bitten. I see it in your eyes. They glaze over, like you're in a trance or somethin' she got you in."

Henry took another sip of coffee. "Don't suppose you have a cure for it?"

The big man smiled, showing his square white teeth. "Only one cure for the love-bug, you gotta see her again. An' I don't mean back at the club. I heard word around The Drop that she lives down in the southern part of Rapture."

"Southern part? You mean near the docks?"

Louis shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. By the way, how those girls of yours doin' eh?"

Henry sighed. "They're not mine yet Louis, money is still tight. I gotta find a way to make some extra cash. Wouldn't suppose you could give me some pointers?"

"Hmm, if I was you I'd make my way down to Neptune's Bounty, they could use more men to load them crates an' gut those fish." Louis said, rubbing his chin.

"Alright, off to Port Neptune then. Thanks again Louis." Henry put down the money for breakfast and headed out to the nearest bathysphere station. It was time to visit an old friend.

Off in Neptune's Bounty an old man was barking at a group of younger men. 

"Move it boys, those crates ain't gonna move themselves ya know!"

The men nodded as they finished their lunch and coffee break. Some groaned as they heaved the damp wooden crates into the storage areas below. 

Peach put both hands on his hips and maintained a vigilant watch on his crew. It had been almost five years since he had decided to help Ryan with Rapture. Back on the surface he had gone through a dozen groups of men in his line of work. Most of them were lean and healthy people who worked hard. Down here he'd been given the title of Dockmaster and charged with keeping the docks running smoothly. For three long years Peach kept the ports in top condition. He made sure all supplies and products were counted for and even put in some of his own money to pay for certain repairs that were needed. Life seemed alright for Peach, however, recently Ryan had begun cutting his pay by thirteen percent. Since then Peach had no choice but to reduce his crew's pay as well. Needless to say they were not happy.

The thought of Ryan laughing it up in his office made Peach grit his teeth bitterly. "Careful with that stock!" he shouted at his newest recruit who almost slipped down the ramp. 

The young man set the crate down next to the others and let out a deep breath. He turned around to face Peach. "Sorry Mr. Wilkins, those ramps are a little steep." he said innocently.

Peach scowled. "Fine, whatever, just remember boy, droppin' a crate means your pay gets cut, got it!"

The young man nodded. "Yes sir!" He went back up the ramp to grab another crate.

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