Chapter 39: Sunlight

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"GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" Henry shouted as he fired a round of buckshot.

The Bouncer roared angrily, it's portholes now turned a savage red.

"Get 'im Mr. B!" Jenny yelled from the corner. 

The Big Daddy charged forward with incredible speed.

Henry fired off another shot, but it was not enough stopping power. The Bouncer crashed into him, sending Henry flying across the room. He had been hit with such force that it made a dent in the wall. Under normal conditions his spine should have snapped in two. But the gene tonics pulsed aggressively throughout his body. Skin hardening against the metal golem's attacks. Henry doubled back, taking a couple slug rounds and hastily jamming them into the shotgun. He took aim again and fired. The Bouncer roared, shaking the ground as it stomped angrily towards him. 

"C'mon, you want a piece of me!" he yelled, stuffing a handful of explosive shells into his weapon. He had created these specifically to deal with heavy armored targets. Raising the gun again he prepared to fire when the Big Daddy reached out with a giant hand, gripping Henry by the head. He kicked furiously against the large metal helmet.


The guardian tossed him about like a rag doll. Henry's vision blurred as he collided with a tree. He looked over to see a pair of dead yellow eyes staring at him. He reached out to the little girl.

"J...Jenny...please come back..."

"You're a bad man!" she cried. "Unzip him Mr. B, unzip him!"

Henry turned his gaze back to the approaching Big Daddy. Revving up it's massive drill it stretched out it's arm, preparing to end his life. There was no way out in time. Henry desperately searched for his weapon, only to find he had dropped it mid flight. 

"Oh shit, shit..." he watched as the giant drill inched towards his torso. He grimaced, putting up his left hand to stop it. The metal bit chewed into his flesh, ripping a part the bones in his hand as it pierced straight through the appendage.

"GAAUUUUGHHHHH!!!!!" Henry screamed as the excruciating pain shot up his arm.

"HENRY, CATCH!" a voice shouted.

He looked to see Elizabeth levitating the shotgun towards him. In an instant he gripped the shotgun with his right hand, pressing it against the domed metal head. 

"Eat this you son of a bitch!" He squeezed the trigger, unleashing a spray of explosive firepower. Flames coated the Bouncer's helmet as it reeled from the punch of the ammunition. 

The Big Daddy groaned again, preparing for another charge. Suddenly it turned to meet it's new attackers as it was pelted with pistol fire. 

Annabelle had taken position along the catwalk above. The revolver rounds finding their marks among the Bouncer's portholes. The attack only made it angrier but it caused enough of a distraction for Elizabeth to find position behind it. Placing her hands on the grass, Henry watched as the girl's hands became covered with frost. Ice shot from her finger tips as they coated the ground with ice, working it's way up the Big Daddy, freezing it in place.

"Keep hitting it!" Henry yelled, taking aim, firing shell after shell at it's metal face. 

The Bouncer roared, slamming it's massive drill into the ground, shattering the ice. 

"Hank, get back!" Elizabeth called.

He could see her arms were glowing a bright blue and knew what she was preparing for. He reached a radius of safety, keeping his aim in the metal guardian. 

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