Chapter 37: Atlas

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A week went by as Henry, Elizabeth and Annabelle made preparations. All of them had taken their savings from the bank, buying what they needed for their journey to the surface. Since travelling by means of transit had been locked down, walking to and from Fontaine Futuristics had been quite the trek, but when all their valuables were accounted for, sealed and safe, it was time for them to make their move. As the days had passed, countless riots and firefights broke out among Ryan's forces and Atlas' men. The civil war had erupted in a frenzy as people locked themselves behind their doors. Plasmids and tonics could only be bought with ADAM now, making it the most valuable commodity in Rapture. Most of Apollo Square had become a war zone. Fort Frolic and Arcadia had been closed off to the public. Reports of Hephaestus being constantly raided by Atlas' forces while the Medical Pavilion continued to fill with injured victims.

Standing in the hidden workshop, they began to arm themselves for the journey. Henry had built a special Power to the People machine inside the room. With the parts bought he had been able to modify two pistols and a shotgun for himself, and outfitting Annabelle with a rather wicked looking machine gun. He pressured Elizabeth to take a pistol, but she refused, saying she'd be fine with just her plasmids. With the amount of ADAM accumulated they had procured a number of different plasmids and tonics. 

"Armored Shell, huh?" Henry read the green tonic's lettering. It was supposed to protect the user from physical harm. He watched, looking over at Annabelle and Elizabeth who were already injecting themselves with new versions of their own plasmids. He realized this was necessary. To save Jenny and get out of Rapture they needed to adapt and evolve to survive. 

Elizabeth walked over to a glass jar on the table and gripped it tightly. In an instant it had froze. She squeezed, shattering the frozen jar into pieces. 

"That's new." Henry marveled.

"Winter Blast." she replied. 

When they had finished with their splicing it was time to say goodbye to the apartment. They knew they would not be returning. 

"Everyone got what they need?" Henry asked.

"Hold up a sec!" Elizabeth said, disappearing into their home one last time. "C'mon, it's gotta be in here." she muttered. Looking around the workshop she sighed. So many memories flooded into her mind. Tinkering with different machines, helping Henry with his inventions, her fist time splicing, a wave of sadness filled her, but she knew this wasn't the time for that. They needed to find Jenny, and they would make no progress standing around. "Aha, there you are!" Making her way out she paused at the wall closest to the door. Gilbert had been working on a new kind of advanced suit, it was only in it's prototype stages but it was supposedly as strong as the suits the Big Daddies wore. However, unlike the hulking metal diving suits, this one was slim and thin. It looked much more flexible and comfortable. The sizing was a perfect fit for her. 

She sighed. "Maybe next time." 

Walking out of the apartment door she heard the automated gears shut behind her. 

"All set, Liz?" Henry asked.

She nodded, swinging the red monkey wrench over her shoulder. "Let's go."

Apollo Square had changed drastically over the month. Rubble filled the streets as street carts had been blocked off. One had been set on fire, another knocked over and looted. As they approached the checkpoint the guards looked on with stares. 

"Hey now, you're packin' quite a bit of heat there. Where you headed?" one of the men at the gates asked.

Henry cradled his shotgun. "We're out looking for someone."

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