Chapter 23: The Alabama Bruiser

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Night time in Rapture always made the city look different. Neptune's Bounty was completely dark with the exception of the bright street lights that illuminated the blackened areas. Henry looked at his watch. Five to ten, he had to hurry. He walked up the ramp to Fontaine Fisheries. The sign glowed a soft blue in the dark night. The door to the fisheries flung open as Henry descended to the lower level. He heard echoes below, people talking amongst themselves, they were faint but noticeable. Walking through the metal doorway Henry saw the crates had been cleared away. The entire room was clean. There seemed to be another passage to an area further in. Fontaine had his back to the wall and was resting carelessly next to the newly made entrance.

"Hey, you made it, just in time too." Fontaine said sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

Henry notioned to the secret entrance. "What's up with that?"

Fontaine looked to the hole in the wall. "Oh this? Just made it today. Goes all the way to my smuggler hideout. Big space, muffles sounds, nice place to store my supplies and stage some fights ya know?" he laughed.

Henry looked at Fontaine. "I'm ready."

Fontaine took a long draw from his cigarette. He let out a cloud of smoke and smirked. "Well alright then, follow me."

They made their way through the long tunnel. Pipes and wires had been cleared out of the way and metal flooring had been placed making it easier to walk. Henry noticed the echoes were getting louder. 

"Alright here's the thing. You get in the ring, you punch the guy out. You win, we get paid. Simple as that. Got it?"

Henry nodded.

"Good. Now you got a name to use?"

"Will The Alabama Bruiser do?" Henry asked.

"Hell, it could be Rosebuds for all I care!" Fontaine chuckled.

They walked out of the tunnel and into the massive area that was Fontain's smuggler hideout. Two large bleachers stood on the back corners of the room. A small boxing ring was centered in the middle, between the bleachers. Dozens of crates were piled and stacked against the walls, each designated with the black hand symbol. Dozens of men and even some women were seated in the bleachers, eagerly awaiting the anticipated fight. 

"Alright Hank, you're goin' up against The Flea, small runt of a guy but he's fast so don't underestimate him."

Henry looked at the small balding man in the ring. He was thin with ropey muscles and a bulging right eye. The was twitching a bit and seemed unable to stand still for more than two seconds.

"They're waitin'  for ya, get in the ring an' show em what you're made of!" Fontaine said finally.

Henry took of his shirt and entered the ring. The crowd began their woops and cheers as they saw the second contestant.

The referee met the two brawlers in the middle. He held a microphone in his hand. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight we've got a real show for you! The Flea will be going up against our newest fighter!" he turned to look at Henry. "What's your name kid."

Henry smiled and whispered in the ref's ear.

The referee nodded and continued his speech. "The Flea will be going up against our newest contestant, The Alabama Bruiser!"

The crowd cheered with excitement.

"Now boys remember, bare-knuckles only, you got five rounds, last man standing wins the pot. Good luck." the referee said with finality as he exited.

The fighters took their marks at the opposite sides of the ring. Henry cracked his knuckles. It had been a long while since he'd boxed. "Wonder if I still got it." he thought. The Flea hopped up and down grinning an almost toothless smile that made Henry cringe. They raised their arms, keeping thier fists close to their faces. Time seemed to slow down as Henry waited for the sound. It would be a familiar ring. Suddenly he heard it. Just like he remembered it. The bell. The Flea bounded forward with unexpected speed. He was fast. Too fast. Henry kept his arms close, fending off the small man's initial hits. The Flea jabbed at Henry's sides with a flurry of rapid punches. He tried to land a hit on the smaller man but only swung at air as the man ducked. Henry recieved a knock to his left cheek in return. The Flea continued his crazed attack on Henry's sides. it went on like this for three more rounds. The Flea would come in lightning fast with rapid hits, Henry would try to swing at him but small man was just too fast. He had to think of something quick, he was losing a foothold in this fight. It wouldn't look good if he lost his first match. Not only that but he wouldn't get the money either. He needed that money. So Henry did the unthinkable. He lowered his arms, allowing The Flea to attack his internal areas. He stood there as the smaller man hit his abdominal area again and again, then his ribs, chest, even a smack to the face. Henry just took the hits, barely flinching. The crowd began booing.

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