Chapter 16: Touring Rapture

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Once again, Henry found himself in another bathysphere sitting across from Andrew Ryan. They were on their way to visit many places in Rapture. The Medical Pavilion was their first stop. Henry didn't like hospitals too much. Maybe it was the needles, or the surgery. Whatever the cause, Henry just didn't feel comfortable with them. While he felt less than enthusiastic about it, the man sitting next to him was more than curious. Jeffery Steinman was one of the world's greatest plastic surgeons and was excited to see his new workplace. The bathysphere was slowing its pace. Henry looked out of the massive front window to see the bathysphere rise into the docking station. The bathysphere broke through the surface of the water and settled, floating gently. The door swung open and the group of people walked out onto the checkered, tiled floor of the Medical Pavilion.

Ryan led the group to the front lobby. "Welcome to the Medical Pavilion. This place serves as Rapture's hospital, morgue, funeral home, dentistry, biological endeavour and the central hub for surgical procedures."

Several people mumbled to each other. Henry knew just by looking at them that they were the doctors, dentists, nurses and surgeons who would be working here. He looked around at the main lobby. It was quite large, with a desk positioned in the middle with two large, curved staircases on the far left and right side of the room leading up to a second floor. Above the second floor door was a sign illuminated in simple, yellow neon letters, MEDICAL PAVILION.

The group proceeded up the stairs and into the main medical hub. They walked through medical offices, dentist lobbies, the morgue and funeral homes. All of which delighted Steinman. It was a fantasy come true, yet when the group came to the surgery wing, he couldn't believe all the materials and supplies at his disposal. Everything he would ever need and want was all within his reach. He could conduct his surgery with such efficiency and perfect precision. He could see it now. J.S Steinman, the greatest plastic surgeon of Rapture.

Henry did not care for this place. He found it too uncomfortable. The pavilion was an amazing splendour. It was massive, with three floors and a separate building committed to surgery, which made Henry feel a little sick. Just thinking of knives sliding under faces made him feel queasy. Gil was sharing the same thoughts. Luckily they didn't stay for much longer. It was time to move on to the next area.

Neptune's Bounty was a much more likeable place in Henry's opinion. It was to be a central hub for fisherman, sailors, the mailing system of Rapture and trading imports and exports. It consisted of wooden docks, cabins and staircases. It was also the base operations for the Rapture Authorities. The police offices were located at the very top of Neptune's Bounty, while the bars and fisheries were on the lower floors. Peach was very excited, this was the area he would be placed to work in. He was a shipmaster on the Odyssey and was now given the title of dock-master. He would oversee that the imports and exports were safely shipped and obtained. Unlike the Medical Pavilion, Neptune's Bounty was at the bottom of Rapture and was more or less a damp and colder atmosphere. 

"Sure it's a little damp and colder down here." thought Peach. "But it won't be too bad. I think I'm gonna have a good time down here. Bossing people around all day and then drinking myself drunk at the bar sounds like paradise to me!" He chuckled, he was going to be living the life, he knew it.

The group made their way across Rapture and into the Farmer's Market. "Now this place, ladies and gentlemen, is the area where all of Rapture will come to buy various organic products, fresh foods and groceries will be sold here for all the people of Rapture." said Ryan.

Gil cleared is throat and spoke. "Excuse me Mr. Ryan, but we are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, twenty thousand feet below the surface. How do we get all these various types of produce, and so fresh? Is it due to imports?"

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