Chapter 15: Sander Cohen

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Henry opened the door to find a man standing on the steps of his apartment. The man was about Henry's age and looked ready for a wedding or a night out on the town. He wore a fine black tuxedo with tails on the jacket, silver chains which belonged to a pocket watch and a purple bow-tie. His face was handsome with an inquisitive look, a small trimmed moustache and a kindly smile. Henry was a little surprised to see such a well groomed man at his apartment door at this hour of the day.

"Uh hello, is there something I can help you with?" Henry said to the man.

The man chuckled lightly. "Ah, where are my manners, I am Sander Cohen, genuine artist and musician." he said bowing theatrically.

Henry wasn't sure why this man was bowing to him, he wasn't anything special, but there was something odd, yet unique about Sander. Henry smiled and held out his hand.

"I'm Hen-"

"Henry Walker, yes I've heard your name quite a lot lately. You've been very busy, but I must ask you, how does it feel to be the architect of Paradise?" 

Henry was confused and a little taken back by Sander's odd question.

"Uh, beg your pardon but, what do you mean "architect of Paradise"?

Sander sighed, looking a little annoyed. "My good man, you are the inventor Henry Walker, the same man who created the very schematics and blueprints for Rapture, yes?"

"I don't know who told you that but I wasn't the only one involved with those blueprints. The Wales brothers Simon and Daniel did most of the initial blueprints. I really just made the equipment needed to build the city's initial structures. I don't take full credit for building Rapture or "Paradise" as you put it." Henry said.

Sander blinked slowly and smiled. "Ah, perhaps I was mistaken with my assumption, but I have a gift for seeing an individual's true talents. You are an inventor, a tinkerer, a creator. You will create many things in Paradise. Things that will change humanity forever. A revolution of technology will be created by your instructive hands and creative visions!"

Henry laughed. Sander was definitely something else. "So is there anything else you wanted to ask me?" Henry chuckled.

Sander smiled. "Ah yes, I was instructed by Andrew Ryan to inform you that there will be a touring of Rapture at quarter to ten near the entrance of Olympus Heights. By the outfit you have on I assume you are ready for the day?"

"Oh, well I guess I am!" Henry chuckled.

Sander nodded. "Shall we go then?"

Henry locked his apartment door and walked with Sander along the many sections of apartments. Now that it was morning the sun's light illuminated the water and made everything much easier to see. Henry could see Olympus in all its wonderful, artistic glory. The intricate and perfected details, and the massive window paned halls that connected the different apartment sections. However, Henry was still awe struck by looking out a window and seeing the underwater city he had helped build. The way things we going, Henry knew he would have an amazing life here in Rapture.

Henry and Sander continued to walk on. Henry remembered this part of Olympus heights, Naledi lived here, section four. He stopped. "Hey Sander, a friend of mine lives in this section, mind if we drop by and see if she wants to walk with us?"

Sander turned around to face Henry. He pulled out his silver pocket watch and sighed. "As much as I enjoy the company of others, I'm afraid we have no time to make stops for friends. I have a knack for being on time with perfect precision, and I intend to keep it that way. Besides, I'm sure your friend is already waiting to  begin the tour, we should not keep them waiting any longer!"

Henry took one last look at the apartments of the fourth section, then continued along Olympus heights with Sander.

 "If you don't mind me asking." said Henry politely. "I know your an artist and everything, but your art must be something amazing if Ryan gave you a spot in the elite section. What made you so special?"

Sander spoke without turning his head to look at Henry. "A typical question to ask. I will answer. You see Henry, ever since I was young I had astounding ideas that would dazzle and bewilder the senses and minds of all. I went to several schools where I studied the dramatic arts. I was a phenomenal actor but I wished to pursue more, visual studies. I found my skills of sculpting and painting to be flawless and my fingers would glide over the ivory keys of a piano with such coordination and rhythm. All where amazed at my talents. I composed several pieces that were one of a kind. Unfortunately my music was seen as obscene, confusing and distasteful. Soon everyone began to doubt my abilities as a musician. You must understand Henry. There will always be doubters of our abilities. They are weak and the only way they become strong is to bring us down to their level of misery and incompetence. The doubters plagued the surface, I was surrounded by them. Andrew Ryan found my talents to be visions of my artistic revelations. I became a visionary and helped develop the dream that became Rapture. I also designed many of the...sophisticated places in Rapture. Including my very own Fort Frolic. Ah, it is magnificent, you will see it in time of course."

Henry smiled and shook his head. He had met many interesting people since he arrived to meet Andrew Ryan a year ago, but Sander had to be the most interesting and unique person he had met in his entire life. A true visionary and theatrical artist, one of which Henry had never seen before.

Sander's eyes grew bright as he grinned. "Ah, there they are, just as I said they would be."

Henry saw a group of people near the main entrance of Olympus Heights. Naledi and Gil were amongst the crowd of people. They spotted Henry almost immediately and smiled,  waving at him. 

Henry returned the gesture and walked over to them. "You two sleep well?" he asked.

Gil nodded his head vigorously. "Oh yes, its honestly one the largest apartments I've ever been in. The craftsmen ship is superb and like our cabins back on the Odyssey, everything is supplied for us!"

"Biggest place I've ever called home. One room makes up my old shack ten times over!" Naledi chuckled happily.

Henry was glad to be with his friends. He examined the crowd of people. There were many faces he had seen from the Odyssey, most of them the other talented individuals, but also some knew faces he did not recognize. He would get to know them all sooner or later.

A man in a grey business suit walked over to Henry, it was Ryan. "Mr. Walker, I see you got here with no problems. I also noticed you have met the infamous Sander Cohen, he is a unique man. Anyways, I'm glad you've decided to join us on the tour of Rapture. We can finally get started!"

Ryan made his way to the front of the crowd. "Everyone please settle down!" he requested. The crowd fell silent. "Thank you all for joining me this morning as we make our way through Rapture. Today we will walk through this city and see the various places of science, art and industry. That which keeps this city alive but requires the skills, minds and talents of individuals such as yourselves, to keep them running. Without further delay let us begin the tour!" 

Henry looked out of the corner of his eye to see Sander check his pocket watch and give a triumphant cheer. "Exactly on time, another perfect and flawless attendance by Sander Cohen, thank you, thank you!"  he said, bowing theatrically to the crowd.

Henry smiled and shook his head. He didn't know what to expect of the different places in Rapture, but one thing was for sure. Sander Cohen was truly something else.

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