Chapter 22: Desperation

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"What do you mean there's another benefactor!?" Henry shouted.

Sophie was sweating a little. "Please Mr. Walker calm down. There's been a little, well, complication."

Henry had come to Apollo Sanctuary to see Elizabeth and Jenny. He wanted to tell them about his new position and how he was going to get the money soon and adopt them. When he arrived he found the girls were in their studies and was asked not to bother them. Margret was out on an errand so the only one at the orphanage was the assitant matron Sophie Quinn. Sophie told how their had been a slight problem in Henry's request for adoption.

"What I mean to say, Mr. Walker, is that there is another couple who would like to adopt the girls."

Henry couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Margret and I had an agreement. The girls specifically said they accepted me as their adoptive father!"

"Mr. Walker, I know this is sudden but Ryan has stated that people with sufficient fundings can legally adopt without permission of the children."

"What kind of fucked up rule is that!? Henry exploded. "I may not have the money right now but trust me when I say I'll get the sufficient funding!"

Sophie looked a little annoyed. "I would appreciate if you did not use that tone. And yes, this couple is incredibly wealthy. They have very big connections throughout Rapture. Not only could they support themselves and the girls a hundred times over but they would grow up in an excellent neighbourhood."

Henry clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "This is some top Grade-A bullshit you know? Elizabeth and Jenny would never agree to this!"

"On the contrary, this couple is kind and loving. They'd make a perfect family. Now please Mr. Walker, if you have nothing else to say I would suggest you leave the premises."

Henry stared at the petite woman. "How long do I have until the adoptions are finalized."

Sophie but a small finger to her lip. "Standard protocol dictates you have two weeks to comply with the sufficient funds, otherwise the girls will be taken into custody by the proper benefactors."

If Henry hadn't walked away then he would have punched the small woman's teeth out. He had to think of something fast. He was nine and a half thousand dollars short. It was time to pay a visit to his new employer.

"Wow, slow down Hank, what the hell are you talkin' about?" Fontaine asked.

 "I need more money and I need it fast." Henry said urgently.

Fontaine scratched his head. "The deal was you bring me inventions and I give you cash. You got any inventions to give up?"

Henry shook is head. "No, not yet. Thing is I need this money to adopt these two girls. If I don't come up with ten thousand in two weeks they'll go to someone else. I...I can't let that happen!"

Fontaine thought for a long while. "Ten grand ain't easy to come by Hank. That's a lot of moolah we're talkin' here."

"I know, but I'm running out of ideas. If there's anything you need done, just ask. Long as I get the money I'll work it off day and night. I'll-"

"Stop!" Fontaine yelled holding up a hand. "C'mon Hank, begging is below a guy of your status. You gotta stand tall, walk like you own the place."

Henry stared at the floor. "I just don't know how I'm going to make the money in two weeks."

"Hmm, how far you willin' to go to get these girls?" Fontaine asked.

Henry looked up with a serious expression. "I'd die for them."

Fontaine smirked. "No worries then. Alright, I've got a small side gig I've been workin' on. Meet me down on the lower level of my fisheries at ten tonight. If I heard the rumors right you used to be a bare-knuckle boxer eh?"

Henry furrowed his brow. He hadn't thought about it in a long time but back on the surface he used to be a bare-knuckle boxing champion. "Yeah, I've got my share of hits and given plenty myself."

Fontaine smile reached to the corners of his cheeks. "Every night we got big bets that go down. Two guys, five rounds. The pot goes as high as two grand a night. Winner takes seventy-five percent of the pot. It's an underground type of thing, very hush-hush, but a lot of big business types come out to place bets on their fighters. You fight for me and I'll make sure you get that money. You in?"

Henry didn't care anymore. He needed that money. He'd do it. For Elizabeth and Jenny. He stared at Fontaine who was still grinning. "I'm in."

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