Saving Dean Winchester

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A single word, a single name enough to spark Deans blood boiling. "You see" growled Dean "All that went into my ear... Is that you die"
"Fine, we'll fight" sighed the angelic dick "but I don't see anything coming out of this"
Anger and hatred for the angel that had decimated everything, stealing Castiel's grace, making the Angels fall, hell Dean even having to stare down an angel high on the word of God, erupted in a roar of hate as Dean lunged for the glorified editor of heaven.
Blinded by the power of the mark Deans aim was straight and powerful. But Metatrons souped up angelic powers whisked him away before Dean even came close to his douchy sneer. As the angel threw Dean against the concrete wall he felt an awful sense of dread as the blade flew from his grip. Dean was smashed and battered, blood dripping down his face as his form was held together by his need to kill Metatron, as well as the power of the mark. He called to the blade, seeing it shake and quiver, as it finally soared into his outstretched palm...
Just as a sickening crunch ripped through his body.
Who was that?... Sammy? Dean turned and saw his brother racing towards Metatron as he drew his blade from the center of deans chest with a pain similar to hell spreading though deans limbs.         
Sams point of view
Dean you idiot! We could've gone in together, defeated metatron, SURVIVED and been ok! I couldn't bear to hear my brothers groan of pain as that dick slid his blade out of deans chest.
I grasped deans shirt begging him to be alive as his eyes fluttered open. Satisfied that, for now, dean was alive I felt a tremor ripple through the building. As metatron looked up confused I took my chance, lunging towards the angel, but he disappeared before I even got close. Leaving me with my dying brother, and a huge sense of dread.
Castiels POV
The scribe appeared before me.
I didn't even listen to the mindless drabble of his until I heard the two words "Dean Winchester"
"Well that was your goal right? I mean you draped yourself with the flag of heaven, but ultimately it was all about saving one. Human"
Of course it was. Dean may have been "just" human to any other angel, even to me before I stormed into that barn, but things were different now. Now I knew what it feels like to have family, to ride shotgun in a 1967 Chevy Impala, to get "hammered", to feel. The next words broke my spirit, my soul, even my heart.
"Well. He's dead too"
I could not, would not, believe it. But I could not deny the feeling... That tiny whisper of prayer that finally made its way to what was left of my grace,
"Cas, I screwed up.... Sammy. Keep an eye on him... And cas, stay safe buddy... I'm sorry"
No Dean. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, all the time I've saved you and I couldn't come the one time it's mattered most. I don't care about your life mattering to the world, I care about its matter to me.
Deans POV
"Wait wait wait."
The pain in my chest, well more like whats left of it, is too much to bear. I know I'm dying, I have a minute at most, seconds at least and I need to tell Sammy something.
"What is it?" Sam asks as he leans me against a table.
I've settled things with Cas, maybe not as deeply as I'd like to, and now I need to settle with Sam. My baby brother, partner, family, as this giant that used to be so small looks at me, desperate for me to stay alive, I smile. Saying the words that sum up all of us. Our fights, betrayals, but also partnership and brotherhood, I hope Cas from somewhere over this ugly-ass rainbow can hear my last words.
"I'm proud of us"
As the door to heavens jail slams shut on the sullen face of metatron, tricked by my final plan, and confessing over his own heaven-wide broadcast system, I feel no peace. Hannah stands beside me saying how my decision is that of a leader's... I need to reject her hope of my leadership once more.
"I just want to be an angel"
I don't even want to be that anymore. I don't want to be anything if it's not with Dean. Sam is in shambles and I wish to go to him, comfort him, but I cannot bear to see the body of the Righteous Man, my Righteous Man, broken and cold. No. I don't want to be human, angel, or anything in between if it can't be by his side. The man I couldn't save in the end.
Dean Winchester.

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