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In this Dean has his memories of Cas and Sam wiped so he can go solo on his hunts. Occurs after Sam and Cas work together to find gadreel. Alternate ending as Sam has "forgiven" Dean and wants him back.

"Are you sure.." Crowley looks hesitant to wipe my mind of everyone who I care about too much. Of course that's probably because once someone finds out about this they'll know who helped me out and Crowley is thanksgiving turkey.

"Yeah I'm sure. Get on with it before I stop being nice" I have nothing left to lose. Sam hates me, Cas is staying with Sammy, Bobby is dead and I don't want Charlie to end up on a funeral pyre.

"If moose comes after me, I won't be blamed for you're dumbass choice squirrel"

"He won't come after you. Because he won't come looking for me. Stop stalling and wipe me before I shove the demon blade up your ass."

"I love it when you boys talk dirty to me" Crowley says sarcastically as my head fills with explosions and I black out.

Two weeks later

I've been working some simple cases here and there. After I woke up Crowley gave me the basic run-down.

"I erased your memories of people you care about so you can be a better hunter. But you kept me in that tiny brain of yours because obviously I don't get any gratitude... I've kept up my end of this squirrel, so no one will come looking for me?"

"No one will come"

Right now I'm sitting in baby listening to rain on the roof and wheels on an open stretch of highway. I don't really know who I forgot but I do know why, and that's enough for me. I'm alone pretty much 24/7 but I still feel like someone is watching me. And I wanna shake them off my trail if I can.

Cas's POV

It's taken much of mine and Sam's resources to find Dean, but I finally managed to intercept him on his way to a wraith case in New Mexico. Something is different about him though, although my grace is fading I can still see that something is going on with him... And I know just the person to ask.

"Hello sweetie" Crowley looks up from his desk in hell, "Anything I can do to help my least favorite angel?"

"Dean is different, and I know a demon has been involved. It seems almost as if a certain someone has wiped his memories of myself and Sam."

"My my, you picked up in that faster than I thought. And Dean said no one would come for him." Crowley smirked at the shock I felt, "yes I wiped that poor little brain of all the people he cares enough about to distract him from hunting. After the whole Gadreel incident, he didn't want a repeat experience. And since moose hates squirrel and you're with moose he has nothing to lose, and thinks no one will come."

"Why?..." I once said not to ask stupid questions. This is obviously in that category. Even after saving the world, saving countless lives, and sacrificing everything Dean still believes he is not worth saving.

"He's headed to a motel 6 just outside of Santa Fe. If you really want to jog his memory, you'll need to make him remember not just moose but you as well. Once the 2 most important people are back in his brain the rest should come in easily"

"Thank you Crowley..." I loathe saying that to him.

"I didn't do it out of the badness in my heart. I did it so you wouldn't have a little 'interrogation' with me. Now get out"

I was already en route to Santa Fe.

I thought I heard wings outside my door. Again. Dammit, I think my invisible shadow is a card carrying member of the god squad, definitely not my favorite conversationalists. When I opened the door nothing was outside except for dirt and a yucca that tried to gut me when I unlocked my room. When I turned to get back to my investigation I saw a short man in a trench coat staring at me. His eyes stared into mine and made me feel exposed, like he saw my thoughts.


"Do I know you?" He looks let down, like I said the wrong thing.

"Yes. We used to be friends, myself, you, and your brother."

"Look pal. I forgot you, and apparently a brother I have, for a reason. I don't want to have to deal with all the crap that comes with having emotional attachments" I felt bad in being this harsh to the guy but I need to stay focused. His eyes flashed blue-white and he was in front of me. Inches between us, and I could see his rage.

"That is not for you to decide!" He shoved me against a wall, "Sam and I have been looking everywhere for you! And so help me you will remember us or I will have Crowley shove those memories back into your stubborn skull!"

He punched me in the face, and a cut opened up on my cheek. I tried to fight back but with him being an angel I may as well have been throwing marshmallows at him. He threw me across the room, and kicked me in the gut, then he just whaled on me, my face, arms, legs, torso, were bashed and beaten. Finally as he picks me up by my collar he said, "look at me Dean. Remember."

His eyes were exactly the color of... "Castiel?" Those same eyes filled with happiness as he just smiled and touched my forehead

Dean was in the back of the impala. I had found another hunter on his contacts in New Mexico to deal with the wraith as I prepared to meet up with Sam back at the bunker. I saw his blood crusted on my knuckles and felt angry with myself. Maybe if I showed him how much he meant to me, how much I needed him, he would've kept them. He stirred in the back and I just looked at his prone form.

Even though he thought my watching him sleep was "creepy" I still did it on occasion. I remembered the first time we met. When I pulled him from perdition, and again when he stabbed me in the barn. I had not liked him very much, he saw himself as someone who he could never hope to be. He was too hard on himself, and I hated seeing people suffer as a result of their own minds. Slowly as I began to know the righteous man I understood him. But I still don't agree with him.

Dean Winchester, deserves to be saved. And I will save him as many times as necessary.

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