Not Jealous (Part 2)

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Sam knew Cas was coming before he turned around to the familiar noise of wings flapping softly. Chuck had called as soon as Cas had departed to tell Sam what he could expect to deal with.

Honestly Sam found the whole thing to be hilarious, and maybe he could even turn it all around so he could see Dean and Cas finally move past the whole "eye sex" portion of their relationship. Turning around Sam said

"Looks like someone is jealous" Cas said nothing, only looking awkwardly around the library. "Yeah the rabbi's grandson did have an actual thing for Dean... It's a shame really I thought they'd make a great pair" Sam grinned wickedly in his head as Cas stiffened even more than he had thought possible for the Angel.

"Do you really think-" he couldn't get the words out of his mouth he was so disgusted at the implication that Dean would not be with him. Wait. He never thought that he had wanted Dean like this... Human emotion was a cruel thing, a cruel thing indeed.

"I dunno" Sam prepared his secret weapon "I did catch some pretty intense eye contact though..." Cas looked like he would hunt down the man and kill him himself. 'Gotcha' Sam thought. And perfect timing too, Dean had woken up from a much needed nap a few minutes earlier and was currently almost upon them in the library.

"Intense. Eye contact?" Cas spat the words onto the floor between them. But he couldn't say anymore as Dean came into the room in flannel pajama pants and no shirt. The bunker was hot as hell because neither of them had found the climate controls.

Dean stopped in front of them and looked at Cas smiling a bit drowsily and saying

"Hey Cas.. What's the matter?" As he was glared at by his best friend.

"I may have told him about the rabbi's grandson..." Sam smirked as he looked at Dean, whose face had turned from "just woke up" to "oh crap you did something".

He turned to look at Castiel and held up as his hands a bit to explain. Before he could utter one word Cas had flung himself into the hunter, slamming them both into the wall next to the entryway, hands tugging Dean to him by holding Dean's chiseled shoulder blades. Completely taken aback Dean barley had time to return the kiss before Cas pulled away and growled

"No one. Gives you 'intense eye contact' but me" Dean just smiled and replied

"I don't think that'll be a problem"

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