Superlock Part 2

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John's POV

"Well you're taking this a lot better than I thought."

Dean spoke to me and I realized that they'd probably given this talk before.

"Well when you live with Sherlock A)anything is possible and B) you get used to being proven wrong at every turn"

"What a dou... I mean jerk" Dean tried to be sensitive but he obviously wasn't very practiced at the emotion.

"It's hard but I wouldn't live with him if I didn't want to" I thought of how much we depended on each other. How much we both needed each other, a flapping noise signaled the return of Castiel (or Cas as Dean had nicknamed) and Sherlock.

"I'll take the case" Sherlock said very calmly. "But only if I get a full explanation from the Winchesters, both of them."

Cas looked impatient but conceeded to let them explain. As Dean and Sam took turns (aka one of them interrupting the other when they "got it wrong") I asked Cas

"What's so important about finding this 'person of interest'?it seems like you don't leave the U.S, or at least Sam and Dean don't"

"It's true" he sighed looking at Dean, "I assume they told you about the mark of Cain?"

"Yeah, that's where they stopped explaining, they wanted to explain the importance of the person when both of us could hear. I guess they don't like repeating themselves."

"That is true" Cas continued to look at Dean with concern, "but I will tell you now so you have a better grasp of the importance of this. We are looking for a very old, very powerful witch that may be able to translate the Book of the Damned. Our problem is that she has hidden herself from angels, demons, and everything else that walks the earth. I have heard of the great detective and decided that with his skills and the boy's combined we could find her. As well as the fact that I know she resides in England. The only place with enough ancient magic in the earth to fuel her spells of... Bad things"

"I'm guessing that she'll just hand over an English to demon dictionary?" Sarcasm colored my voice. A case of this magnitude would most certainly not be as easy as finding this witch.

"Of course not." He looked slightly confused. "This witch was alive when your first queen was upon the throne. Old power such as hers does not like to comply, she is likely to be a bloodthirsty hag in the clothing of a young woman."

"Clothing?" I did not under any circumstances want to see and old lady in what I see "young women" walking around in every day.

"A disguise. Most likely a spell to keep her from aging."

The conversation on the other side of the room drew to a close and finally all of us were on the same page.

"So about this person of interest" Sam explained to me and Sherlock what Castiel had told me.

Sherlock's POV

Simple. Finding this witch would be all too easy based off of what she needed to keep herself young, the ingredients for this spell were very exclusive making this case so simple I wonder why the Winchesters hadn't figured it out themselves.

"Ok... What's he doing?"

The elder Winchester has a tendency to get on my nerves due to his incredibly dense personality. Intelligent, yes, with his "occupation" you would have to be to remember all of the incantations (well.... Intelligent for someone who doesn't have my mental capabilities) but he just does not grasp.... Got it.

"...system for remembering the tiniest details" John finished explaining my mind palace to the boys. Both looking shell-shocked at me.

"You've been sitting there for an hour and a half with you eyes closed" Sam says with an astonished voice, "how could you..."

He gestures helplessly, most people do and even John looks impressed. Good. It seems as if he's getting used to my talents and I do so hate it when I can't impress the skill of deductive reasoning upon him.

"It's simple really. You told me one of the ingredients needed for this spell is of a very rare variety of herb. That narrows down the area of search considerably, seeing as it is only grown naturally in Uzbekistan we must deduce that the witch owns or frequents a greenhouse specializing in exotic, rare herbs not grown in Europe...Unless this witch enjoys frequenting Uzbekistan which is unlikely if she wanted to keep the guise of being young for a long period of time the airlines would see how she mysteriously never aged."

"Ok that makes sense" Dean conceded grudgingly, "but wouldn't a greenhouse owner notice his client never getting any older? That would make the papers"

"Good. You're not a complete idiot"
Dean bristled at this comment, "the witch obviously has minimal contact with people who offer repetitive services so she must own and keep this greenhouse herself but it still needs deliveries of the necessary plant food etcetera needed to sustain this herb"

"Why does it need to be delivered?" Ah John, he really never ceases to amaze with the lack of observation, then again so do most people who aren't... Me.

"She needs deliveries so she can have as few people as possible see she hasn't aged. She must move every few years or so under a different guise to sustain showing off her body but the delivery service would get suspicious giving the same exact product to another place so she must switch those as well..."

I need Johns laptop.

3rd person POV

As Sherlock typed madly in his computer John and the rest of the party had gone down to the sandwich shop to eat. They had finally decided what to order when Johns cell phone buzzed with a text.

"He must be done."John said pulling out his phone.

"What is it?" Sam noticed a stiffening in the shoulders as John growled,

"Dammit he wants us to meet him at the witches house! He's on his way there alone."

The three men raced out to Deans car as Sam muttered, "He doesn't know what he's going up against. Especially going against a witch of that caliber"

"What caliber?!" John was close to panic. The boys had not painted a pretty picture of witches.

"Let's just say that Sherlock better wait for us or were gonna find him... In several different places"

To be concluded

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