Let me be your shelter

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Inspired by the Gavin DeGraw song "Brother Let Me Be Your Shelter" I'm not 100% sure that's the actual song name so if anyone knows it please comment.

It was a long drive back to the bunker. Rain had begun to fall about an hour back and just got heavier as the drive progressed into the inky night. I was alone right now, Sam had gotten his fool ass handed to him on a silver platter by a nest of vampires in Wyoming. We had been working the case just fine but when we got to the nest itself there had been twice as many vamps as we had thought. We both had some cuts and bruises but Sam had gotten his shoulder dislocated, and I'm pretty dam sure he has a hairline fracture and a broken ankle. I dropped him off at the bunker after cause there was another case, I was returning now from a small djinn problem in Nebraska but still had a good 4 hours drive till I got back.

Suddenly my baby shudders... And starts to slow down. Dammit, I pull over and get out into the downpour to check out under her hood. After a minute or two of tinkering I find the problem, but there's really nothing I can do to fix it. I don't have the parts I need and the closest town is a good 13 mile walk from here. Not too bad if it wasn't raining like hell.

I hear a soft flapping of wings and turn to see Cas, getting soaked in the rain.
"Dean" he looks at me and asks "what's wrong with your vehicle?"

"Nothin I can't fix" I'm sure of that "but I don't have the parts and I only have the car to keep me dry so I've gotta wait until either another car passes or the rain stops" neither seemed likely to happen any time soon.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Could I use my power to fix it?"

"Sorry buddy but I don't want any angel mojo going into the hood of baby here. Damn it's wet out here, cmon lets get inside" the rain and wind had made it downright frosty and since I had to keep the car off I began to shiver.
"Are you all right?" Cas looks concerned. I've always kinda liked it when he's worried about me, at least somebody cares.

"I'm just cold, nothing that'll kill me before I get back home" I wondered why Cas couldn't just zap us back.
"Hey Cas, could you use your angel juice to zap us back?"

"Not right now. My grace still isn't fully restored. I can teleport and heal medium wounds but traveling with another person would hurt me greatly,"

"Damn" I began to feel the wet of my jacket seep into me, I took it off but it didn't help a lot.

"I can help with your issue of temperature." He says, smiling at me and making my heart do weird things..
Suddenly he's right next to me, I'm curled up in his as and he just seems to radiate heat.

"Thanks Cas" I never want to lose him, he's been my... Everything, through thick and thin, he was my dawn in the long night that was hell.

"Thank you Dean"

"Did I say that out loud?!" Craaaaaaap rookie mistake, he probably doesn't feel the same way. How could he, he's an angel after all.

"When I raised you" he began quietly "I thought you were already lost. You were so certain that you didn't deserve to be saved, or loved. I wish to be your shelter from those thoughts, to save you Dean." He looks at me, waiting for an answer

"Yeah Cas. I'd like that"

The rain didn't stop for a long time, and I didn't care anymore.

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